Red Velvet Cake - Kevin and Tori (oneshot)

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Tori's POV

I'm so excited! Me and Kev have been dating for nearly 5 years and he's taking me out to the most expensive restaurant in LA. I asked him to only do something simple and sweet, but with him being the gentleman he is, he's only settling for the best for his 'angel' as he calls me. My phone screen lights up with a message from Kirstie,

(T = Tori, K = Kirstie)

K = you coming now?
T = sure x
K = cool! where should we go first? The mall is huge!
T = you pick - you have the best knowledge! x
K = nope, that's Mitch!! Lol
T = lol x
K = actually, can he come too? x
T = that'd be helpful but is he free? x
K = I'll text him
T = thnx x
K = no problem :)

A few moments later, I get a reply.

K = he can come!
T = yay!! Be there in a few x
K = kk xx

I grab my car keys and stuff my phone in my back pocket. I walked to my car and drove to Kirstie's, completely thrilled. I arrive outside and beep. She comes out, looking annoyed, with Mitch trailing behind her, like an excited puppy. I laugh and Kirstie rolls her eyes, then laughs as well.

'Hey,' she says as she gets in.

'Hey. You okay?' I laugh. She looks back at Mitch in the back seat and she laughs,

'Yeah.' I look back at Mitch and see he has a map and golden Sharpie.

'Hi Mitch,' I say, gaining his attention.

'Hi, so I've got a rough idea of where to go first but I'm not too sure whether we should go to Forever 21 first, or last...'

'We'll see when we get there,' I say.

'Sure, sure,' he says distracted and goes back to planning out the route.

Me and Kirstie chat about possible things that Kev might have planned for me.

'I mean,' Kirstie starts,' I know he tells Avi everything, so I tried to get it out of him. I threatened him that I would shave his beard off in the middle of the night, but he still didn't let anything slip.'

'Did you try saying dragons aren't real?' I suggest. Kirstie gives herself the biggest facepalm I've ever seen.

'Oh my god, I'm so dumb!'

We laugh and joke, while we can hear Mitch's sharpie scratching away behind us.

I park and we go to various shops and I finally settle on a red dress (see the dress in the pic), some black heels, a golden bracelet, and a silver clutch. Mitch picked the accessories, Kirstie picked the dress, and we all decided on the black heels. When we went back to my apartment, we just chilled and watched a few movies. At 5:00 pm, I received a text from Kev saying he'll pick me up at 7:00. Kirstie read it over my shoulder and said,

'You should start getting ready now, go take a shower.'

I did as she said, and when I came out, she already had the curling irons hot and ready to use. She also gave me a light layer of makeup and a subtle smokey eye. Mitch observed everything to make sure it was perfect. He's such a queen, I love him so much, in a friendly way. She let me change, and before I knew it, I heard a knock on the door. Kirstie and Mitch wished me good luck. I gave her my spare keys so they can lock everything after I leave.

I opened the door, and Kev stood there with an expensive looking bouquet of roses.

'For you, baby,' he gave me them, I smelled them and closed my eyes. I love him so much. I set them aside.

'You look beautiful,' he said and I heard an 'aaw' from the room where Mitch and Kirstie are. I'm gonna kill them. Kevin furrowed his eyebrows and I said,

'They helped me change and thank you. You look very handsome' He smiled, did a little bow and then held my hand. He walked me down to his car and opened the door for me.

'You're such a gentleman,' I said. He smiled and stood aside to let me in. He got in the drivers seat, and started the car. The whole way, we didn't talk, just sat in comfortable silence. He held my hand the whole time, and I just sat there and nostalgically remembered our first date.

When we got there, Kev said,

'Reservation for Olusola?'

A perky blonde came and smiled, a bit too flirtatiously at Kev. I held him closer, and her smile vanished. I kinda feel proud! She led us to a back area with a beautiful view, overlooking the sea. She left so I pecked Kev on the lips,

'Thank you! This is beautiful!'

'So glad you liked it,' he said.

We walked over to the seats, and predictably Kev pulled out the seat for me to sit on. I smiled at him for a thanks and he returned the gesture. He sat down and we just chatted until the waiter came again.

'Hello, I'm Mark and I'll be your waiter for this evening.'

I looked at the prices and said,

'Kev, this is too much.'

'Its fine, babe, just enjoy.' I was hesitant but ordered some very overpriced salad for starters. It looks huge so me and Kev decided to share. We ordered the main, and just talked endlessly. Having a conversation with him is so easy so we talk for hours. Finally we ordered dessert. I ordered red velvet cake, and Kev ordered sticky toffee pudding. He left to go to the restroom for a while and when he came back he was smiling like a Cheshire Cat. I asked,


'Nothing,' he smirked. I let it rest as Kev can sometimes be stubborn.

I was halfway through my dessert, when I felt something metal hit my spoon. I scrapped away at the sponge, and saw a ring. Kev got up and knelt down on one knee,

'Tori, I love you so much I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. There are many ways to be happy in this life, but all I really need is you. Tori Kelly, will you marry me?'

My hands were shaking and a tear slipped from my eye.

'Yes!' He got up, got the ring, cleaned it and out it on my left ring finger. We shared a passionate kiss, and continued our dessert. I'm going to love the rest of my life.

Tori and Kevin both say their 'I do's' 7 months later.

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