My Little Slut - Mitch (imagine)

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You had been crying for about ten minutes, you are terrified. You don't know where you are. You don't know who did this to you. All you know is that you're stripped naked, your feet and arms are tied together, you're gagged and blindfolded. A feeling of utter horror shakes through you as you hear a door open, and you hear footsteps. You feel warm fingers pulling at the blindfold, slowly unravelling it. You stare at the man before in fear, the tears are streaming down your face. You're relieved when you notice that the man before you is your ultimate crush, Mitch Grassi. You let out a small whimper, and try to back away from as he leans in closer, his breath hitting your face. He eventually takes the fabric from around your mouth.

'I wanna go home,' you whimper in a small voice. He chuckles and takes your chin in his pretty hands.

'You're not going anywhere, my dear. At least not until I get what I want from you.'

'W-what do you want...?'

'Isn't it obvious...?' He says, those deep brown eyes hypnotising you, that gorgeous smile putting you into a trance, and you realise that you can't wait for him to get inside you.

'You want me to untie you...?' He asks, but you're not sure if he's just teasing you.

'Are you teasing me?'

'Oh I'm not teasing you, sweetheart,' he laughs. 'Do you want to be untied?'


And so he does. You curl up and try to cover up as much as you can of yourself.

'There's not point in doing that love. We're headed up the bedroom next,' he winks, pulling you up and carrying you in a fireman's lift.

'Where are you taking me?' You shriek.

'Mmm, you know, that really turns me on. Now, I never got your name,' he says, taking you upstairs, you feel like fainting at your scarily new surroundings.

'A-are you going to p-put me down?'

'Tell me your name, first.'

You groan, in response.

He throws your tiny naked little body onto a massive, but comfy bed. He runs his hands slowly down your arms until they reach your wrists, and he pins you down which makes you shiver in sheer pleasure.

'W-why am I here? I'm n-not sure I should be here,' you ask.

He lowers his nose closer down to yours.

'Now, we both know that isn't true now do we, little girl.'

'W-what are we going to do?' he silences me by placing his finger on your lips.

'Hush. I know you want this.'


'Because I saw you attend our concert, silly.'

You huff.

'So are you going to bang me or what...?'

'That's the spirit,' he says before planting tiny kisses all along your collar bones.

'Mmm,' you groan

'You like that?' He whispers


'You want more, my little slut?'

'Please,' you beg. That name turns you on so much.


He moves his lips down to your breast, so that his sweet breath is tickling your nipple. He encloses his mouth around the hardened pink nub and begins gently licking at it, causing you to moan. He then begins playfully nibbling at it, his other arm playing with it's twin.

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