Camping - Avi (imagine)

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You're out camping with your brother, Mitch, and his friends. Among his friends, is your all time crush, Avi with his pretty green eyes, brown hair, and perfect lips.

'Avi,' Mitch clicks his fingers in front of Avi's eyes, trying to snap him out of his gaze while he stares at you.

'Huh?' He replied. You pretend to be occupied with you phone, but you're eavesdropping.

'Did you hear what I just said?'

"What?" Mitch sighs,

'Right, we're going to that barbecue place, do you wanna come?'

'Nah, I'll stay here, I got stuff to do'

'Okay. Take care of her, okay?' Mitch points at you.

'Sure,' he says.

Avi waits for them to leave, and when they do, he comes to join you on the big comfy sofa.

'Watcha reading?' He asks, turning the TV on.

'Oh...Pride and prejudice...'

'Uh huh. Boring, right?'

"I like it..."

'Really...? I thought you were being forced to at school'

You laugh, set your book down and turn to face him, and notice that you two are quite close.

'What makes you think that?' you smile at him.

'It's just I thought they made all little 11th graders like you read it'

'How do you know I'm in 11th grade...?' you challenge him

He leaned in a little closer, his breath now warm your face.

'You look it,' he says simply.

'What does that mean...?'

'It means...,' he says, reaching for the bare skin on your thighs, tickling it gently, 'that you're very pretty.'

You giggle.

'You are too,'you smile.

He leans in and presses his lips into yours gently. His lips are soft and moist up on yours. He licks your teeth begging for entrance, you teasingly deny him a few times, before he sexily bites your lip. You finally give in. Your tongues both battle for dominance, but Avi wins. He moved his hand to your cheek, stroking it gently with the back of his fingers and continues to explore your mouth with his tongue. You massage his tongue with yours, and pull him closer, that there is almost no gap between your skin, deepening the kiss.


You both sit up and you pull his shirt off over his head and throw it onto the floor. He then returns the favor and begins to undo the buttons on your shirt, leaving you just in your bra. He unclips it with ease and slides it off, making you blush.

'You're beautiful,' he whispers. You look at him and the heat rises to your cheeks.

He trails kisses down your neck, the dip in your collarbone, and down your chest, and you feel him lock his mouth around your nipple, making it a hard.

He unzips your jeans, and you take them off, leaving them on the floor. He does the same with his and lays back on top of you and begins to kiss you again, you feel his erection digging into you, making you grind your hips into his in response, and you begin to pant. He kisses your hip bones, and scrapes your panties off with his teeth, and slowly slides a finger into you making you moan.

He adds another finger, scissoring as he went in, stretching you in preparation for what he was about to replace them with. Your hips buck wildly into his hand.

'Oh....oh Avi,' you moan.

'Keep moaning my name,' he says.

'Oh Avi!! Oh...'You moan.

He quickly removes his underwear, desperate to be inside you. He straddles himself onto you and places the head at the tip of your entrance.

'Oh Avi....stop teasing...' You gasp.

He chuckles and slides into you, making you moan and gasp for air. His member scraped at your walls as he picked up a faster pace.

'Oh Avi....I'm s-so close' you stutter. He grunts in response as he continues to dig not you, driving you crazy.

'A-Avi I have t-to'

You feel a climax on the way and you let out a scream.

'Oh Avi!!!' You exclaim loudly, your back arching, your thigh muscles tighten, your grip around him clamped down, your legs moved apart, and he empties his load into you and he lets out some delicious boy groans that you swallow in the kiss, your grip on his hips tight. He breathlessly pulls out of you, and moves beside you, staring deep into our eyes.

'That was amazing.'

You smile, and pull a blanket over both of you, and he takes you in his arms, cuddling you.

'Goodnight baby,' he whispers.

'Night, Avi.'

The next morning isn't so great when Mitch finds you two.


'Mitch, calm down, it's not what it looks like.'

'Then what is it?'

'It's not a big deal,'you mutter, resting your head back down on Avi's chest.

'I can't believe you two...' He says angrily 'You're only seventeen'

'Mitch, just let us sleep, we're exhausted,' if you get what I mean ;) ) you say groggily, kissing Avi's cheek, making him smile a little.

Mitch storms off and doesn't talk to you for the rest of the day. It doesn't bother you as you and Avi are in your own little world.

(A/N: DISCLAIMER! This wasn't an entirely original idea

Im currently in the process in writing a part 2 for the first chapter, as requested.)

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