Why not? Pt 2 - Kavi (oneshot)

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Avi's POV

Last night has been driving me crazy! I haven't slept a wink and Kevin has noticed. I eventually broke down and told him. He wasn't very happy with me kissing a drunk Kirstie, but he understood that I couldn't help myself. This morning, I sneaked into Mitch's room to grab some foundation, only to find him and Scott, topless, in the same bed, spooning, with Mitch being the smaller spoon. I take a quick picture for blackmailing material. I stifle my laugh and walk out and apply the foundation in my bathroom. The whole hotel feels so eerie as its only 6:00 am and everyone's probably asleep. Once I'm done, I get my wallet, return the foundation and walk to Starbucks. I order everyone's coffee.

As I walk back to the hotel, I rehearse what I'm going to say to Kirstie, and realize I'm doing the exact same thing I did last night. A huge pang of anxiety hits me right in the chest as I wonder if she'll remember last night. I knock on her door and hear a shower turn off. Maybe she couldn't sleep either. The door open to a very cautious Kirstie, wrapping in a towel.

'Hey,' I say, a bit nervously.

'Hey,' she replies shyly.

'What's wrong?'

'Nothing, just thinking about...' She trails off. I cock my head to the side and say,

'About?' She looks away, and blushes. I know exactly what she's thinking about: the kiss.

'Nothing.' Wow, that hurt more than I expected. I hide it quickly before she notices. I hold up her Starbucks. She smiles and takes it gratefully,


'You're welcome.'

She invites me and says,

'Just wait for a second, I'm gonna get changed.'

I awkwardly perch myself on the edge of her bed as she enters the bathroom to change. She comes back in, very angry. What happened?


She points to her neck, and I see multiple hickeys. Shit!



'I'm sorry,' I say quietly. I've ruined everything.

'Sorry? Is that all you can say?'

'I couldn't stop myself, but I suppose we're both victims.' I pull down the front of my top, and show her my hickeys, the ones she gave me. She looks startled.

Kirstie's POV

I gave them to him? I break down crying and he runs to me,

'Kirstie, I'm sorry, and I understand if you never want to talk to me ever again.' His warm embrace leaves for a moment, but I grab his wrist.

'No, it's okay. I just over reacted.'

Wow, bipolar much. He sits with me and he explains that last night he didn't go any further and I'm really glad a bit that. I feel so stupid when he says that practically begged for sex. He holds my hand and looks me deeply in my eyes, almost staring at my soul. He opens his mouth and whispers,
'I really meant what I said yesterday, I do really like you.'

' I really like you too, Avi,' I whispers.

'Why are you whispering?' He whispers.

'Because you are,' I whisper.

'Okay,' he whispers but then we burst out laughing.

'We should go down to breakfast,' I say. He nods and as we walk down a few fights of stairs, he takes my hand in his. I try to hide my smile, but he lifts my head and pecks me on my lips,

'You're beautiful, don't hide it.'

I feel myself blush deeply. We walk down to breakfast, and see Mitch and Scott in a huge hangover, seems like the coffee proved ineffective this time. The don't even notice when we sit down, and Kevin starts smirking at mine and Avi's hands. I break them apart, but I feel him rest his hand on my thigh. I breathe deeply. We all talk a bit, but the main conversation starters normally come from Mitch, with his sassy comments, but he's hungover so we just sit there in silence. I see Avi smile creepily out of the corner of my eye and I look over to him,

'What?' I ask. He hands me his phone, with a picture of Scott and Mitch spooning topless. I show Kevin and he covers his mouth with his hand. I abruptly shout,

'SCÖMÌCHE IS REAL!' They both look up and the look at Avi's phone. They blush and scoot away from each other. And Kevin joins,

'SO IS KAVI!' The whole room keeps looking at us but I don't care. Scott and Mitch look up and me and Avi blush. Wow, I keep blushing, it's so annoying.

'Well, urm, not exactly,' he says. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. What am I to him?

'What? So it was all lies? I can't believe I trusted you!'

I storm out, and run to my room. Omg, am I on my period or what? Damn! The door open and I feel the edge of the bed go down wit weight. The person talks,

'That's not what I meant,' deep voice...its Avi.

'I meant that I didn't know whether we were actually a thing yet. Everything's happening so quickly and I didn't want to make any assumptions. I've liked for a long time, as soon as I heard you sing Telephone, in the sing off, I instantly fell in love with you. I don't know if you felt the same though.'

I try to say something, to say I did, but no words came out.

'Last night, my emotions welled up inside me and I did what my heart had been desiring for years. It felt right, it felt perfect, but it's obvious now I'm not right for you, if you doubt everything I say. We can't be together if this is going to happen every time. I'm sorry, I will forever love you, but this is how it's going to be.'

He gets up and I gather courage to speak,

'Avi, wait.

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken
And we can learn to love again.'

(A/N: ^^ Learn to Love Again by P!nk 😊)

He sits back down.

'Where do we go from here?'

Scott, Mitch and Kevin still have no idea where the fuck they

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