Prom - Scott (Imagine)

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You're sitting alone in your house, all alone and miserable. Your boyfriend bailed on you last minute and here you crying with you're beautiful prom dress on. You scream in frustration. You can't believe he left you for your best friend. Of all people! Many people float into your mind, that would have been better boyfriends than that douche. You hear a car pull up and honks. It's probably for your sister. Jealousy wells up in you, until she shouts,

'Its for you!' Me? Who would want to talk to me now? You wipe away your tears and walk down the stairs, hoping you don't fall and break your neck. You peep your head round the doorframe and the last person you expect to see is chilling in his Porsche. The Scott Hoying looks at you and smiles. He asks

'Prom date with me?' Astounded, you respond,

'Yes!' You hop into his ride and you arrive. Everyone there turns there head when you walk beside Scott. You see your boyfriend and his jaw drops to the floor. He walks you to the centre of the dance floor as a slow paced love song comes on. After you finished, you stared into his beautiful blue eyes. He kisses you softly and then leads you to the bathroom. Mmm....

He gives you a questionable look and you nod. This is going to fun. And your gonna find out if the rumours are true. He strips your dress, leaving you in your bra and underwear. You stare at the ground, then the puts his index finger under your chin and whispers,

'You have a beautiful body, don't be ashamed of it.'


He strips his own clothes and pulls down your underwear. Secretly, you thank god that you shaved this morning. You get in your own knees and undoes his. He springs free and take him whole in your mouth. Soon, a salty liquid fills your mouth, and you're satisfied that you made him cum. You stand up, and he kisses you rough and passionately. He holds your hips and places you on the wall, so your feet aren't touching the floor. Somehow, he enters you slowly. He starts to pick up his pace and you orgasm. When your finished, you share another kiss, and then suddenly ask,

'Why me?'

'Yeah, pick it fast like a flight far away from here,
Although I know I feel at home whenever you are near,
Live my life, like you better cold cut to this,
I wish you'd hold me open just to see your vision clear,' he sings.

(A/N: ^^ Valentine by Pentatonix )

You smile. He offers you a ride home and as soon as you're inside your bedroom, you lean back against the door, slide down and daydream.

In Scott's house, he does the very thing and mentally asks you to be his girlfriend. At your house, you imagine that he asks you, and you say yes.

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