One Kiss Won't Hurt... - Mirstie (oneshot)

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Mitch's POV

To say that we are exhausted, is an understatement. She really works me hard. I'm sweating! I'm so out of breath and I feel light-headed and about to collapse. But she enjoyed every minute of it. And no, I'm not talking about sex, you dirty minded freak! I'm talking about whistle notes! She's trying to teach me, but I keep telling her that I'm just inhaling and makes squeaking sound. We've been at it for 2 hours and she will not give up. That's the best thing I love about her: her perseverance.

'Kirst, please, no more,' I pant.

'Ugh, fine, but we'll carry on later. When you get the hang of them, you're gonna hit really high notes,' she assures,' anyway, you're getting really close. You're kinda sounding like a baby dinosaur. It's so cute!'

I go the fridge and get a water bottle. I down it, thankfully and then fall onto the couch. I feel myself drift off into, in my opinion, a well deserved sleep.

Kirstie's POV

I walk into the living room to find Mitch passed out. Maybe I did push too far. Meh. I start to scroll through my twitter feed, and look at my DM's. I read all the messages that fans have sent me and send them a smiley face. A few seconds after I send them, my notifications blow up when they start to freak out that I answered. I laugh at how adorable they all are. It's these moments that make you like it's all worth it. Mitch rolls over in his sleep and his hair smears all over his face. I laugh because he's going to be mad! I take a quick picture of him for #sleepwars. I smile at myself. My phone is accidentally on a high volume, and the snap sound of the camera makes Mitch turn his head. His eyes don't open, but I stay still, hoping he doesn't notice. I cautiously back up into the kitchen and continue scrolling through twitter. I hear a murmur from the couch and go over to see.

Mitch is laying there with his lips slightly parted. A small murmur comes from his mouth again. Then another, then another. I lean over closer to his mouth.

'' He says. I listen out for more.

'I love...' Ok, some progress; The word love is said.

',' he loves someone, right? I feel an unusual tinge of jealousy in my heart. Hold on, I don't even have feelings for him.


Without thinking, I grab his shoulders and shake him awake.


His eyes are still half-closed but they slowly widen, in realization. He looks away from me.


I get up and walk away. I slam the door of his bedroom shut and start crying. For what reason, I don't know. Minutes pass by when I hear footsteps outside the door. He's pacing. I hate it when he does that. He gently knocks and I think he does it light enough so he thinks that I can't hear it. I eventually get up and open the door. He looks distressed.

'Im sorry,' he manages to choke out.

'No no no,'I say,' I should be the one apologising. Come, let's talk.' I lead him back to his living room. I sit down, and he asks,


'Sure,' I say, I have a feeling we're going to need it. He comes back with two glasses and a wine bottle. It looks kinda expensive. But what do I expect? He's such a queen, and a queen only has the best. He fills the glasses and sits down.

'So...' I say rather awkwardly. I get my glass and take a huge gulp of it,' you love me, huh?'

Oh gosh, why is this making me so nervous? I don't have feelings for him...right?

'Yeah,'he says looking down at his hands in his lap. 'Do you, you know, love me back?''

'I-I don't really know, I'm so confused.'

Mitch's POV

I don't know what overtakes me but I firmly hold her waist and pick her up. I walk over to the wall, next to the TV and place her there.

'What are you doing?' she says, panicking. Honestly, I don't know. As soon as I know it, I say words that aren't mine,

'Kirst, give me one moment to remember. Please?' Although, I can't deny it's not what I want.

'Ok,' she says,'one kiss won't hurt.'

I lean in, and feel her smile against my lips. I deepen the kiss, and she gently pushes my shoulders back.

'Okay, enough, this is getting weird.' I don't listen and continue. I push harder and rougher.

'Please, Mitchie, stop,' she complains. I kiss her again, deeper. I'm kinda loving 'resistant Kirstie'. She keeps pushing me back, so I grab her wrists and pin them beside her. She struggles more. I put my arms completely around her waist and ease her onto the floor. She attempts to run but I'm too strong. I straddle her hips and kiss her more. She starts to screams. She screams louder and louder. I keep her firmly in place. She screams, the loudest yet and the door bursts open. And there stands Scott. Oh, I forgot about him.

I'm scared, I'm really scared. With one punch, he could probably knock me out cold. He runs over, pushes me off her and picks her up and holds her close. I hit my head against the wall behind, but I don't think anyone would care.

'What did you do?' Scott asks. I look down, ashamed. It finally hits me. I look up at Kirstie's face, now buried in Scott's chest, crying.

'Kirst, I'm so sorry,' I say. I start towards her but Scott holds her back and says threateningly,

'Stay away from her.' I beg,

'Scotland, please.'

'No,'he says,' you are dead to me now, Mitchell.' When he says my full name, I know he's serious. This breaks my heart. I collapse, crying my eyes out. I hear the door shut and they're gone. Where do I go from here? Where do we go from here?

The next day, a body was found 6 miles outside of Los Angeles.

(A/N: that took an unexpected turn, didn't it? I'm so evil leaving it on a cliffhanger!)

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