Bump in the Road

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     When girls are about to get their periods they just know it. Somehow they realize it. I don't know why and I don't know how but that's just what happens...the feeling I'm having right now is one I've never felt before. I know I'm not going to have my period soon...that feeling is different. This feeling is...strange...and comforting in a way. It makes me feel whole and complete, it makes me smile out of nowhere. I don't understand it and yet it just makes me feel...happy. Not in the mornings though. I feel like there's swim thing living inside of me and the majority of me, and my brain knows that I'm pregnant. It's like a 6th sense in a way. Like when a girl is about to get her period. I just...know....and I'm 97% positive that the feeling is real. 3% off but that's not bad. So I'm currently sitting on Alec's old childhood bed and I try to breath in and out. I feel like throwing up...ive been doing that in the mornings for a while....but I didn't know it had a meaning until now. It just hit me out of nowhere...the fullness. So I sat there on the bed just waiting, I closed my eyes and continued to breath in and out softly. There was a small knock on the door and then it opened. "What are you doing?" Alec asked, he gave me a weird look and I rolled my eyes.

     "Waiting," I said. He rolled his eyes back and then it hit me. I nodded and got up quickly. I headed to the bathroom and threw up everything I ate this morning. Alec was suddenly right next to me rubbing my back and holding back my hair as I threw up. Ever thallus I stopped throwing up and I took a few deep breaths. I flushed the toilet and got up to brush my teeth.

     "Lovely...are you okay?" He asked cautiously.

     "I think so....yeah....I suppose so," I said. He placed his hand over my forehead and buried his face in the crook of my neck. "I think I might be sick." I lied, truth be told I didn't want to be near this house anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love Alec...and his dad, but these domestics are far too much for even me.

     "Well then we should get you home," he mumbled. He actually sounded quite happy.

     "Oh no, please you stay!" I exclaimed and his expression was flat. I giggled and hugged him. "Let's go home, if we leave now we make it home by noon." He nodded and grabbed our bags quickly. He placed the bags in front of the door and then picked me up bridal style.

     "Mum! Dad! We're leaving! Lovely is sick!" Alec yelled as he put me in the car and ran back to get our stuff. He threw them in and started driving. I smiled lightly and waved goodbye to Alec's family. His mum however was not there just his dad.

     We drove straight through no stops. When we got home Alec took me to the church so he could work on the case. I turned to Paul as soon as I got inside and I swear I felt every emotion surpass me. "Paul I need your help!" I shouted, he looked up and then hugged me tightly.

     "You're home!" He exclaimed, I pulled away and linked arms with him.

     "I need you to help me commit a pretty bad crime," I said. His eyes widened and I held his shoulders. "I need you to get Rebecca to get me Alec's key to his draws in his apartment...she has extras I know she does. He has a locked draw and he thinks I don't know but I do, then you just have to drive the get away car."

     "Are you insane!" He shouted, I grabbed onto his l shirt and stared up at him.

     "Yes, and I need leads," I said. "Now get me, the bloody key." He sighed and shook his head.

     "This is so wrong," he said. I smiled and hugged him.

     "Thanks!" I squealed.

      "You can't date Alec," he said suddenly, I looked up at him and he closed his eyes. "You're going to get hurt."

     "I already am Paul..." I said. "I'll bring him to dinner tonight. I'll show you," I said. "After I steal his keys to the office."

     "Why don't you just ask him?" Paul asked. I rolled my eyes.

     "The only that could happen is if I took advantage of him...and that's mean," I said. He rolled his eyes and I smiled, I placed my finger tips on my stomach. It wasn't noticeable...but if felt right. I was happy and most likely pregnant....this is amazing.

It's not much....but I have a lot of readers and I know it took me like 4,000 years but I updated....I love you all. Cuz that's not weird. 🤗

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