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5 months into Pregnancy

     I sat anxiously next to Alec. I couldn't stop moving around. We haven't even talked about names since the pregnancy and now we're figuring out the gender. I mean I've thought of names but still. "Alec let's go. Common. Let's go! let's go!" I shouted and he laughed lightly. He looped his arm around my waist and we walked out. Paul bought me a car. He said he had enough money and that we were gonna need a place to put the baby after o give birth so that it can come home. Clearly I was the designated driver seeing as Alec was sick and couldn't drive. I was excited to say the very least. I get to know what the gender is and then we get to have a gender reveal party. So Alec and I walked in five minutes early as usual and our doctor was already ready for us. We walked back and Alec kissed my forehead. His hand was in mine and I kissed it. Our doctor, Dr. Hall smiled at us and held up the gel. "Are we ready to find out the gender?" She asked and I nodded happily. It was finally going to happen. She squirted the gel on my stomach and rubbed the little stick around. Our baby came up on a screen and Alec was already crying.

"I'm sorry," he said as he smiled and cried. I laughed lightly almost about to cry myself.

"Hot shot detective Alec Hardy cries at picture of small baby in wife's stomach. Who knew he was such a softy," I said and he laughed.

"You guys ready?" The doctor asked and I nodded. "It's a boy!" I started crying. Alec kissed me hard on the lips and I laughed into our kiss. He pulled away and looked at me.

"We're having a boy," he whispered. I laughed and hugged him.

"Our boy," I replied. He laughed and she printed out the sonogram pictures. We headed home and the whole way home Alec wouldn't stop talking. It was adorable actually. Talking about where we would put the baby and what color his room should be and everything of the sorts. It was hard to focus on driving with him being so sweet. I pulled over and crashed my lips to his. He let out a startled sound but then pulled me over to the passenger seat so I was sitting on top of him as we kiss. I ran my hands through his hair and he pulled back slightly.

"Kat we shouldn't be doing this here," he mumbled as I kissed his neck and he groaned before pulling my face back to kiss him. I moved down to his clothes and started to unbutton his shirt but he pulled back again. "Kat. We can't do this here."

"Why not? We're in the middle if nowhere. It's not like we have an audience," I spoke and then kissed him again. Once again he fell under my spell and kissed back. His hands roaming everywhere. I went to unbutton his shirt and this time he just slightly pulled back but our lips didn't loose contact until he started to kiss my neck. I moaned and then he pulled back again as if snapped into realization. I groaned and fell back into my seat with tears in my eyes.

"Are you crying?" He asked me with an obvious smile on his face.

"I just want sex!" I cried and he laughed. "And...chips! I really want chips too. And I can't have either of those thing!"

"Okay I'll tell you what. You get us home and I'll give you both of those things," he whispered to me and my face lit up.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded as he laughed.

"Yes. Really." I smiled at him and he just laughed at me. How stupid pregnancy hormones are.


I woke up to the sound of people yelling and laughing. I sat up as Alec walked into the room. "Oh good you're awake." He said with wide eyes. "They're here. Your family and my parents. In our tiny house."

"I thought I gender reveal wasn't until 5 and we were having it on the church," I whined. He laid down next to me with his face in a pillow.

"That's what I thought too. Big mistake on our part," he mumbled.

"What time is it?" I asked and he shrugged.

"4:30 would be my guess," he replied. "I went out to get chips for you and came back to all of them here."

"Well that's not fair," I said.

"They are your chips," he replied.

"I want chips," I said as I laid back down.

"I wanted them too. They looked really good," he agreed. I sighed and then he looked up at me. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know. Your mum already hates me as it is," I replied and he laughed.

"Okay we'll get up, put clothes on, and meet us out in the living room. Let's get this over with," he mumbled.

"Then sex?" I asked and he stared at me with wide eyes. "I'm kidding." He shook his head making me laugh rather loudly. He looked back at me and I giggled. "Sorry. I love you."

"I love you too," he replied. I did as he said and then we all ate dinner together in our tiny house. When we finished I brought over a cake which Alec had made right after the appointment.

"So obviously if it's a boy the cake will be blue and if it's a girl it will be pink," I said. I handed the knife to Bella to cut it since she seemed the most excited. Then she cut and piece and she literally screamed. She dropped the knife on the table and screamed. She pulled me into a tight hug and I laughed.

      "It's a boy! She's having a boy!" Bella screamed. Everyone was happy about it. I realized for the first time that my family was the most supportive people I could have asked for.

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