⇢ s e v e n ⇠

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"Back for more, are we?" I smile painfully at Dean, "Are you going to let me out now? Are you convinced it's really me yet or are you still against me with all of your soul?"

He just glared at me, not saying a word until he got right in front of me, "Are you really Ellie?"

"Flesh and blood," I looked him in the eyes, "You finally gonna believe it after a week or so?"

"Listen, Elliot," Dean's face was hard and seemingly unforgiving, "I am going to let you go. The torture is over. But if you make one wrong move," he pulled out his demon blade, "I'm shoving this right between your eyes."

I nodded, "I'll remember."

He slowly untied me and let me go, he broke the demon trap. Finally, I was free. The moment I've been waiting for. Dean escorted me upstairs to my bedroom, and it was exactly how I left it. My bed was made but messily, my pillows were sprawled out over my bed and the walls were still light pink. However, all of the photos of us were taken down and thrown on my desk in the corner.

There was really no way to explain my happiness, I was rather ecstatic to be free. I was happy to finally be back home.

"Ellie?" A voice from behind me called. It was Castiel.

"Hello, Cas," I turned around and smiled at him. Despite my pain, I smiled larger than I imagined I could have.

"Do you want me to heal you?" He didn't hesitate to come near me and start to put his hand on my forehead when I nodded, as soon as I closed my eyes, all the pain was gone.

"Thank you, Castiel." I muttered softly, falling onto my bed. It was cold, being untouched for five years. I can't believe they kept everything in here. Especially since Dean has been treating me as though I'm some freakish monster and not his old best friend. I thought it was funny, as funny as something that could have ended your life can be, anyway.


It was dinner time now, and as I walked out of my bedroom and into the main room and study. Dean and Sam were already sitting down eating what appeared to be hamburgers.

"There's a burger in the microwave," Dean didn't look at me, "For you. It should still be warm."

I smiled, "Thank you Dean. It's appreciated."

He nodded my way as I walked into the kitchen to get my food. For a second, it almost felt like everything was good again. Like we were back to that weird little family of ours. But I knew things weren't normal, that they probably wouldn't be for a long time.

"What happened to Gabriel, guys?" I ask as I walk back into the main room where now four boys sit instead of two, "And who is this?"

"Jack, son of Lucifer, or something," Dean said, "You're no longer the only half-blood in this joint. He's a nephilim,"

"Well damn, not only have you replaced me," I pouted, "But you've now got one of each! Do we get some kind of prize for being the weirdest group known to man? Where the hell is my Angel? I know he would've come help me if he were given the chance."

"Gabriel is dead, Ellie," Castiel looked me in the eyes sadly, "I'm sorry to inform you. Lucifer killed him when he was released from the cage."

I stared at Cas in shock, "You're joking, right? This is exactly something he'd tell you to do to me," I laugh nervously and hope it isn't true, despite my ever so painful gut feeling telling me it is. So much happened while I was in Hell..

"Who else is dead?" I ask, scared to know.

"Bobby, Jo, Ellen..." Sam was looking down at a book as he told me, "Chuck, too, probably. Charlie, as well."

My heart sank to my knees as soon as I heard him say Bobby, and to my toes when he said Charlie. I can't believe they're dead, all of the ones I hold dear to me...dead. I mean Sam was dead. Dean may as well be dead but walking.

"Ellie? Are you okay?" Castiel asks, "Elliot?"

//june 3 2018

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