⇢ t w e l v e ⇠

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"Ellie," I heard the familiar voice call to me from behind, "Ellie it's me."

"Gabriel?" I asked, "Gabriel? Where are you?"

"Right behind you," I turned around to be greeted by that all too familiar smile of his, "How's life topside."

"But they said you died," I was in shock, sort of, "How are you here?"

"You're dreaming, El," He gave me a sad smile.

"Oh. I knew it was too good to be true," I sighed, "But life is going okay. I'm no longer being tortured."

"Tortured? By who?" He glanced at me, confused, "Who do I need to kill?"

"The Winchesters," I paused, "You should know this if you're in my head. But you don't need to kill anyone. All is well."

Gabriel gave me another smile, this time a guilty one, "You caught me."

I woke up suddenly, in a cold sweat. I had never had a dream of Gabriel before in the past, so this was new. And at the end? "You caught me," after I said the thing about him being in my head? Does that mean Gabriel isn't dead? If that's the case, where is he?

I considered asking Sam and Dean, or even Cas, but for now I want to keep it to myself. If it happens again, I'll tell them about it. It's probably nothing, just my mind trying to cope with the loss of my angel, and recently being tortured. Which is no surprise, I mean how many people can genuinely handle being tortured and then just go back to normal living.

"Ellie, is something on your mind?" Castiel asked, "You seem a little off."

"I'm fine, Castiel," I smiled, "No worries."

He kind of glanced at me, suspiciously, but went with it anyway. I know Cas can read my mind but he doesn't because he knows I don't like it. There was a sense of security, however, knowing he can read my mind. He knows if anything is wrong, but he also can see everything, which is less comforting.

"Ellie, just because I'm not reading your mind doesn't mean I can't read your body language," He looked at me with sad eyes, "Please, tell me what's wrong."

I sighed, "I had a dream. About Gabriel," I looked down, "I wouldn't have been bothered by it, except I think it was really him. He didn't know about me being tortured, which he would have if he were just in my mind, right?"

Castiel looked a little bit confused, "Gabriel, alive? It would be nearly impossible for him to be back, unless God took the time to rebuild him from where ever He may be."

"It was just a dream, I guess. I'll let you know if anything else happens. Please don't tell the boys," I glanced at my feet, "I don't want them to think I'm crazy or something."

"As you wish, Ellie," Cas smiled slightly at me then walked away, into a different part of the bunker.

I was then again left alone, as I had been before. I made my way into the kitchen. Maybe some food would calm my nerves of seeing him in my dream. I can't tell you how much I really missed Gabriel, he's my angel. My number one.

Seeing him was a relief yet at the same time, rather terrifying. If he's dead, and my mind was just making things up, then I guess I'm out against myself. If he had really been alive this whole time, why would he let the boys believe he was dead? Why wait until I'm fresh out of the dungeon to show a sign of himself?

I decided that waiting for another sign meant we could be too late. The fact that they may think I'm crazy doesn't matter. Gabriel is in trouble, that's all that matters to me. I have to make sure my Angel is safe.

"Boys!" I call out, "Boys where are you!"

"Elliot, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Sammy asked, I was too busy worrying about Gabriel to be angry about the use of my name.

"It's Gabriel, he's in trouble." I sent a nervous look to Cas, "We have to find him."

"Gabriel? Like the archangel? Honey, he's dead." Dean said, "How do you know, anyway?"

I sighed, knowing they wouldn't believe what I was about to tell them, yet I am telling them anyway. "Gabriel has visited me in my dreams. Last night. He told me he's alive, and that I can't see him because he's in trouble."

"Ellie, we can't just drop everything and go hunting for an angel who we literally watched explode," Sam walked towards me then gave me a look, "It's almost impossible for him to be back."

"Why don't you two believe me?" I cried out, "My angel is in danger and neither of you care!" I couldn't tell if I was crying out of fear or anger, maybe it was both, "If you two won't go, I'll look for him by myself!"

I rushed back to my bedroom, and began packing a bag. Knowing what I know about these two, I know one of them will end up coming with me. They won't let me go by myself, I know they won't. If anything, they'll send Castiel with me.

Sam came into my room, probably to try and reason with me, "Why are you doing this? It could be a trap."

"Sammy, if it were Dean you'd be on top of this case," I sighed, "Gabriel means a lot to me. If I can save him from being hurt, I'm going to. I don't expect you to come with me or to understand."

Sammy also sighed, he gave me a look that made me feel stupid, "Fine. But I'm coming with you to make sure you don't get seriously hurt or something."

"Okay. I know you know the dangers of this, if somebody has an archangel captive, it's for a reason." I kept packing my bag, "Whoever or whatever it is, they're probably dangerous and want to use Gabriel for bad things. It's going to be powerful, and I'm terrified to know what they want to do with it."

"You're talking like you're ready to die going into this," Sam laughed nervously, "We're going to get Gabriel and everything is going to be okay."

// june 3 2018

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