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BREONNA: Nicole, baby. I'm sorry for hitting you. I swear I never meant to put my hands on you. I promise not to do it again. I didn't mean to hurt you. I LOVE YOU

I think I reread that text message over a million times. Breonna and I have been together for five years now. She never was the type to be controlling. Last month she lost her job so her stress level has changed drastically. She's aggravated more frequently and her temper is like a ticking time bomb. I understand she wants her space but what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't show her support even when times are bad. I know she's a bit agitated and I don't want to annoy her. Maybe if I cater to her more often she would change. She said I never listened and that I don't do obey her. Maybe if I followed her rules she'll respect me more.
"Good morning baby", I greeted Breonna with a kiss.
Without speaking she peeped out of one eye to look at her watch. "DAMMIT NICOLE!" "Why did you let me oversleep again?" She jumped out of bed and threw a pillow at me. "You could be so stupid at times."
"I'm sorry, I thought you were off today." I walked out of the room and headed downstairs. Sighs, I'm pissing her off already. Arranging bacon, eggs, and toast on a plate, I can hear her footsteps approaching the kitchen. "Babe do you have time for Breakfast?" Without replying she grabbed her keys and headed for the front door. "Bre".... Before I could finish my sentence she slammed the door.
"Hey girl, wassup" Tiffany asked on the other end of the phone.
"I'm stressing, do you want to head downtown for a therapy shopping?" I asked.
Tiffany have been my best friend since elementary school. She's been through all my temporary loves and heartaches. She's my strength when I'm too weak to stand my own ground. She's like a sister that I've never had. She also hated Breonna with a passion. Jumping in the car and hugging me at the same time she let out an irritating shriek. "BESTIEEEEEEEEEE".
"Damn, why are you so jolly?" ""Calm down a little bit"
"Don't hate on my personal enjoyment and my happiness." she replied.
Before stepping out of the car, we both checked our appearances in the rear view mirror. Finally, after ten minutes of re-prepping ourselves we headed inside our favorite store. Tiffany quickly ran to the nearest rack and held up a Leopard Mini Skirt. "Nicole, I think this is just for you".
"Girl no! Breonna would strangle me. No ma'am." I chuckled.
Rolling her eyes she continued to rummage through the mini skirt rack and found something to her liking. Walking over to me she said, "Nicole try this on".
She had a light pink bustier in her hand. "I think it would be cute on you".
"Tiff, really?"
"Yes really!"
I headed to the dressing room. "Do you need some help," Tiffany asked.
"No I got it," I smiled and entered the small dressing area. Taking my clothes off I noticed the bruises on my side and underneath my right breast. It was healing still hurt a little. I snapped the bustier up and opened the door to give Tiffany a preview. "Tada".
Tiffany smiled and admired my breasts in the mirror. "So, I think you should wear that to my Birthday Bash on Friday".
"Hmmmmm, I'll think about it". "You know how Breonna is Tiff."
She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "Nicole, I will be the happiest bitch on Earth when you leave Breonna's dog ass alone. You can do much better. Yea, ya'll make a cute couple. But is it really worth it?"
"Worth what?" "I'm in love with her Tiff."
"The abuse!" "There's not enough love in this fucking world to continue getting your ass beat. Oh, you thought I didn't notice the black eye?" Not to mention, the cheating and disrespect.
I dropped my head. I thought for sure she wouldn't be able to tell. Guess these glasses weren't enough to camouflage it. Removing my glasses I defended Breonna.
"It was my fault though Tiffany. She was stressed out after losing her job and I continuously nagged her about looking for work. I knew she was having a difficult time and I criticized her.
"Nicole. Are you listening to yourself? Breonna have control issues. The bitch needs to seek medical attention. I love you and I'm worried about your well being. I don't want to receive a phone call saying she killed you. As a friend, I'm telling you to let it go."
Although I knew Tiffany meant well. I tuned her out. She doesn't know anything about our relationship.
After saying our farewells and promising to call each other later. I headed home. Breonna should be home around 7:30 that should be enough time to prepare dinner.
"What are you cooking Bae?" Breonna asked while hugging me from behind. "Your favorite. Chicken and broccoli Alfredo, I replied". Kissing her on the cheek I asked, "How was your day?"
"It was okay"
I followed her into the living room. She flopped down on the sofa and I climbed on top of her. Looking into her eyes I smiled and kissed her. I love her so much. I would never leave her no matter how people felt. No one knows what she's going through. Although we fight, I know she does it out of love. She kissed me back. "Nicole, I love you and I'm sorry about yesterday."
"Don't worry about it babe, I'm over it."
She gently laid me backwards on the sofa and unbuttoned my blouse. Kissing my neck, and tracing my Breasts with her lips I was in another world. Damn near forgetting about the food that was cooking on the stove, I jumped up. "Wait baby the food!" Running to the kitchen I nearly tripped. The food was stuck to the pan. "Damn, there goes dinner," I mumbled. Soon as I turned around Breonna was standing in front of me wearing nothing but her sports bra and boy shorts. She picked me up and sat me on the counter. Stepping in between my legs she pulled me closer to the edge and kissed me. "We'll order takeout later". Sliding my panties down my legs and tossing them to the floor she grabbed my ankles placing one leg on her shoulder and holding the other in mid air. She let her tongue glide up my thighs finding its way to my clit. I jumped from the soft touch of the tip of her tongue. Enjoying every minute of her devouring my pussy I leaned back further on the counter giving her full access. She knew exactly what spots to hit. I could feel my walls give way as she continued to salvage my drenched pussy. After I erupted she kissed me letting me taste myself on her lips. Pulling me off the counter she wrapped my legs around her waist and carried me to the bedroom.

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