Chapter 23

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"Marley, I don't feel right about all of this. Why can't we just let the shit die?" Tiffany objected.
"Look, either you're with me or you're not. If you're not, I guarantee you'll find yourself in a body bag." Marley snapped. "I got a phone call to make, get dressed because we got somewhere to be tonight."

Looking at the time, I realized time was flying by. Marley wants me to meet her and her girl at this party, but I'm really not in the fucking mood. Shit, those 15 g's got my attention though. I'm gonna go about getting Shawna's attention my own way. Fuck the bullshit; I'm trying to see what her sex game is like. Being that she got all these young ass girls going nuts, I want to know what the big fuss is all about. I know I can handle it. I pulled up to the club a quarter till one. From the look on Marley's face she looked annoyed. I don't give a fuck; I'm not on anybody's time. She needs me.
"So are you ready to handle business?" she asked sarcastically.
"Look, don't press me boo I got this. I'm not on your time remember I'm on mine. You asked me for help so the shit will go how I want it to go, if you don't like the way I do shit, find another mufucka to do it. Until then, shut the fuck and let me do me. I'm not your little bitch, I'm a boss. So approach me like a boss not a fucking employee. And as a professional, you don't need to be talking to me. No one needs to see us communicating so step the fuck off. If you got something to say you know how to reach me." I huffed and walked off. Dumb ass broad should know better, she fucking up already. I'm not sloppy when it comes to handling shit and this stupid hoe all out with it. No wonder she was Shawna's little helper.

Soon as I walked in I spotted Shawna. She looked pissed. My cue not to fuck with her just yet. I'll just walk pass her and brush up against her without speaking.
Her small entourage stared as I approached them. Not looking directly in her face I walked between her and the crowd letting my ass graze her side. "Excuse me".
To my surprise she grabbed my arm. I looked at her, pretending to be shocked.
"Um, do I know you?"
She smirked," Nice fragrance."
I smiled, " Oh, hi! I almost didn't recognize you."
"Yea, bet you didn't".
Damn, Shawna was looking good as fuck. Now I see what all the hype was about.
She let a small grunt. "I didn't know you were a party girl Miss Diamond."
"Oh, I'm not. A friend suggested I come out, this is not my thing. I rather stay home and have my back pinned into my mattress." I licked my lips. "But, can you please excuse me I have to use the restroom. Good seeing you though, and by the way I like the fragrance you have on as well. I winked and walked off without giving her the chance to speak. I just left her with my scent and a blank look. I can tell my plan is working. By the end of this week, she'll be right where I want her.
I can see Marley looking at me from a distance. Walking in the bathroom, I stopped in the mirror to check out my appearance. I could hear someone crying in the stall behind me.
"Silly ass hoes. Probably seen her man with some other bitch." I said inside my head. Tiffany came out of the stall with mascara running down her cheeks. What in the hell is up with this chick?
"Hey, are you ok?" I asked her.
Wiping her face and looking shocked at the same time, she didn't reply.
"Why do you care?" she replied.
"I really don't, I was just being courteous. To be honest, I could care less."
"How long have you been dealing with Marley?"
"Why, what is to you?"
"Do you know her girlfriend, the one that died, Nicole?"
"No, why? Why are you being so inquisitive?"
"I'm just curious."
"Hmmmm, well I believe it's more than that."
I was becoming annoyed by the second. I don't know what this hoe is trying to find out, but I'm not about to answer her 21 questions.
"I just wanted to know why you agreed to do this for Marley?"
"I don't think its best that we talk about it."
"And, may I ask why not? Seems to me like you and Marley have been dealing with each other for a while now."
"Look, this is not the time or place; I think you have an idea of what part I play in all of this. If you really wanna know the truth ask your bitch not me. I'm getting paid to do what I do. If you need to know why, ask her. I'm out."
I turned to walk to walk away.
"This isn't all about Shawna, is it. It's more than about money and street credibility isn't it?"
Laughing in her face I replied,"Apparently this is not the lifestyle for you sweetheart. So just play your role as the innocent girlfriend and stay out of it. Before you get yourself into something you can't get out of. And further more, keep your fucking mouth shut. Bitches like you getting mufuckas killed because you don't know when to stay out of shit that don't concern you."
"All I was trying to say is, I feel like the entire situation is getting out of hand and Marley is going too far. I'm tired of all this killing and shit, I just don't want to be a part of it."
"Like I said, keep your fucking mouth shut."
I left out of the bathroom, this hoe hit a nerve I know it's time for me to leave.
Tiffany stood there looking stunned. She had no idea of what just happened here or what Diamond's deal was. She just wanted answers. Little did we both know, there was someone listening the whole time in the bathroom stall..

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