A Princes Thief (Keveridge)

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Kier's POV:

I squinted slowly into the morning sunlight, as my phone buzzed somewhere on the matress. I swear i have to stop falling asleep on it.. I lifted up my side of the douvet, scavanging about for it, but it didn't seem to be anywhere... I rolled over slowly to the sleeping lump beside me, and took my chance to just look at him, my prince, Laurence. Well...i wish he was, but i'm sure that's not going to happen anyway. I sighed and leaned over him, his ebony black hair was scruffed up, laying peacefully over his eyes, his lips slightly parted as he breathed quietly in his sleep. Oh how i loved this man... he doesn't know how beautiful he is, how perfect he always will be... to me. He makes me so happy, listens to me, he just deserves so much more than he get's.. I reached out my hand and brushed his silky hair from his eyes, as i leant down, and placed my lips on his forehead. He stirred slightly as i did, so i quietly  rolled off my side, wandering out into the hall, guess my phone wasn't too important...

Laurence's POV:

I let out a muffled groan as sleep left me, the sun blazed straight for my eyes as i scrunched them up, burying my face in the sheets. But there was something digging into my stomach, probably had been all night.. I rolled over slightly to find an empty dip in the matress, i sighed to myself and sat up staring at the gentle dip. Well, guessing Kier wasn't up for a cuddle this morning. Though my sigh was stopped as something buzzed under my leg. Was that Kier's phone? He always takes it with him... I picked it up and checked the door was shut, before i flicked on the screen, to find the lock screen being a picture of us, presumably a fan photo, but it was of me, kissing Kier's cheek in the middle of a song. I blushed and grinned to myself, when the door suddenly opened, and Kier wondered in, stopping in the doorway.

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