Broken, battered, and in my arms

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Kiers POV:

A horrifying clap sounded in my ear, as i was jolted and thrown back into the blackness i had been in before. So what, life couldn't decide where to put me? I cringed at the pain in my side, as i glared into the blackness surrounding my aching limbs. I couldn't see a way out.. not one. I looked down to my side, and clenched my palm over it, pushing down, as i yelled into the air, pushing through the horrifying pain... "L-LAURENCE!" My scream changed into a shout for my prince.. And then i remembered.. I took in a deep breath, and pushed, i pushed with all my power to get through this hell, i couldn't live without him.. i COULDN'T. I yelled through the stinging tears that were surging down from my tired eyes, as life began to unfold, dim lights blurring into my vision.. Brighter, they reigned brighter, brighter still as the pain increased, it began to feel real.. i was returning to life.. I pushed even harder, my limbs feeling as if they would crush through the strain.. but it didn't matter. Laurence mattered. Not me. I screamed as my eyes widened, every detail adjusting as i squinted through the bright light. "LAU-Lau-rence.." I wheezed out.. I wanted to scream it, but my throat felt as though it had been ripped to shreads.. NO. I WILL PUSH THROUGH IT. I clenched my shaking fingers around the thin sheet of matress, as i took in a deep, painful breath. "LAAUURENCEE!!" I yelled, collapsing back down, trying to gain all the oxygen i could..  I closed my eyes, my heavy eyelids pushing at the strength i had left.. i wasn't sure if i could carry on.. I hadn't even noticed the beeping of the machines surrounding me, as nurses flooded my room, blurring in and out as my conciousness faded away. I had to stay awake. I HAD TO. Well, if pushing didn't work.. I relaxed. I released my tightening grip from the matress, and lent back, letting my eyelids slowly open, effortlessly, to a clear view of a young nurse smiling down to me. "Mr Kemp, welcome back to us." She beamed at me, as the other nurses left, as she began adjusting wires and grips around my bed. "W-wheres Laurence?" I whispered, sweat sliding down my neck. And before she could reply, i saw Shane appear in the doorway, grinning at me through timid tears. "K-kier? Oh thank God!" He yelled, as he came in, and took my hand gently, wiping his eyes. Oh Shane.. i had missed your face. "Sh-shane, is everyone ok?" I whispered, the dryness of my throat burning through my skin.. I cringed, and thought of Laurence, what if he wasn't ok? I stared up at him, my moist eyes staring right through his gaze. "Oh Kier, everyone is perfectly fine..well Drew," He coughed slightly, swallowing his tears. "He can't walk.." He squeeked out, gripping my hand tighter as his mopped hair flung over his eyes, tears rolling off his chin. I squeezed his hand with all the strength i could, i didn't want my best friend to cry.. I felt my own tears, dance down my damaged throat, as i winced at the stinging sensation.. I just wanted my Laurence, i wanted Drew to be ok.. this was all my fault.. I coughed out my painful tears, and sobbed quietly, as Shane rubbed his thumb across my cheek lightly. "I'm..i'm so sorry Shane..T-this is all, my fault.." I whispered, pushing my head back into the pillow. "Hey, shh, it's ok, we're all alive, and that's all that matters.." He replied, stroking my fringe from my face. I moved my thumb slightly across his hand, i'm so glad i could have him here. "W-where are the others?" My voice was beggining to come back, but not completely. "One moment." He smiled, quickly rushing out, and returning to the doorway shortly, with Drew cradled in his arms. I could honestly say, i've never been so relieved in all my life.. But Drew, he looked so broken.. "Kier!" He squeeked, grinning from Shanes arms. I smiled, i'm guessing he's going to be alright. I pulled my best grin, as they walked over. "Where's Laurence, Luke?" I said, barely audible. Shane grinned and sat Drew at the bottom of my bed, as i took Drews hand in mine, sending a tear down my cheek.. I'm so glad he's alive.. I heard footsteps race down the doorway, as Shane set off, hopefully to return my prince to me. Drew shuffled to the far corner of the room, smiling to me as footsteps were heard returning up the hallway. I held my breath and watched, as my most beautiful prince flung himself around the doorway. I grinned through tears, as they stung my skin, rolling along my nose, my cheeks. I couldn't help the happiness that rose in my heart. He stopped in the doorway, supporting himself on the beam, as Shane appeared from behind, sliding Laurences glasses along his nose, leaving me and my prince alone, as Drew was lifted out quietly. I stared at Laurence, as he was steadied by the nurse, my eyes blurring quickly, as a single tear pushed it's way down my cheek. Time for a final push.. I strained the muscle in my arm, and lifted it, to reach out for him. I couldn't leave his gaze...his perfect face i had wanted to see for what seemed like years... "L-laurence" I wheezed, my throat keeping me from yelling out so desperately..

Laurences POV:

He said my name, as he did..he sounded so bad, so damaged.. I cringed through the tears, and reached out my hand imediately, to lock our palms together in the air. He smiled up to me, as i pulled his hand to my face, kissing his palm before placing it on my cheek. He felt so cold, so rough, but i had longed to feel his skin upon mine once more.. I closed my eyes as he caressed my cheek weakly, but i knew he didn't have the strength. I shuffled forward, and reached out my arm to run my fingers through his hair, as he gripped my arm, pulling me closer.. I didn't want to make him even more ill.. but my thief was alive, and i had longed for him to be back with me for so long.. I smiled through my tears, as i leaned down through his pull, planting a kiss on his weak lips. He closed his eyes, wrapping his shaking arms around my neck.. I pulled away slightly, and looked at him, caressing his cheeks with my hands, as i kissed him again. "I-i've m-missed much." I managed through my tears, as i stroked his cheek, before kissing his bruised, damaged throat. He relaxed and closed his eyes as i did, gripping onto the back of my stupid gown as i lent back, sitting properly on his bedside. "I'm so glad to have you back, love.." He whispered, "I'm so, sorry..for not listening.." He sobbed, scrunching his eyes tight. I could see the pain surging through his body.. so i sat closer to his pillow, and slid my arm under his back.. pulling him up so he was lying in my hold. Imdediately wrapping my arms around him gently. I felt him relax, as he buried his face into my chest, his stinging tears soaking through the cotton. "Kier, my love, don't cry." I whispered. "I will always love you, so fucking much, it wasn't your fault ok? You were sticking up for your best friends, and, it saved Drew.. I guess." I sighed, stroking my shakey finger tips down his neck as he rested. "I'm just so glad to have you back in my arms.." I whispered, kissing his forehead as he locked his fingers with mine, before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.. I decided to stay still, i wasn't letting him out of my sight at all.. He's my perfect Kemp, and i will never, let him get hurt again.. Ever. I looked down at his peaceful yet puffed up face, and stroked the damaged skin on his throat.. Those bastards will be hearing from me. No matter-fucking-what. I shook my head and scowled, as i lent my head back, exhaustion taking over, as i was taken off to sleep once again, along side my perfect thief, the beeping of the machines behind us keeping me alert. I wasn't risking anything, going wrong, never again. Not this time.

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