In my protection..

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Kiers POV:

I stayed in my place, and stared at him for a while, i thought i was dreaming, this was too good to actually be true... But he blinked, and squeezed my hand weakly as a tear flowed down his cheek. I leapt forward imediately and wiped it from its place gently, as he lent into my touch closing his eyes. I let the tears rain down my face, as i smiled through the watery mess i prince was awake, i just had to make sure he came to no more harm... I began to stroke his fringe lightly, looking into his tired eyes, he looked so weak.. If only he'd told me he hadn't been eating... I clasped my eyes shut, holding back the sobs threatening to escape. He suddenly lifted up his arm, wrapping his cold fingers around my neck, as he pulled me forward, hugging my face to his chest. I released all the tears in that moment, in Laurences embrace once more, he kept me close to him confidently. Much like i had him not 2 days ago. I curled up in his arms, and we cried together. I was so glad he was awake, he may be weak, but he's awake, and i'm going to make sure he stays that way.. I felt his silent tears drop onto my hair, as i grinned through my own, sitting up and embracing him properly. He gave a quiet, cracked laugh as i did, and held me tight. He sounded awful though, i do hope he can speak better soon.. Hear his beautiful voice... "Oh Laurence, you should have told me you weren't eating properly.." I said with a sad smile, as i sniffed up my tears and stroked his cheek. I saw him go to open his mouth, "I..i'm sorry love.." He squeeked. I laughed slightly and another tear ran down my face as i kiss him softly, still held close to his chest. I heard a gasp at the door, as Drew rushed in with Shane, smiling at us. "Beveridge, you're awake!" He grinned as he ran over and hugged him gently. Laurence grinned lazily to him, and squeezed Shanes hand that had taken hold of his, i got up to move to the seat beside him, but he wouldn't let me out of his hold. He grinned to me as i chuckled, leaning back again. Luke dashed in throwing cookies rapidly at Drew, as he whisked to the other side of the bed, tripping over as he reached it. A chorus of laughs rang out as he appeared off the floor, clambering to the side of the bed. Laurence weezed a laugh, more tears coming down his face... I've missed that beautiful smile..i really have. "Get up here Illingworth." I grinned, giving him my hand, he shot up and brushed himself down. "Alright alright, i wanted to see Bever's more than i thought." He rolled his eyes and grinned to Laurence. "Alright buddy?" Laurence grinned and patted Lukes arm gently. We were all together, finally with my Beveridge. I'd never felt so happy..


Laurences POV:

Finally, the blackness i'd been trapped in, had faded to a white, bright, peircing light. I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the brightness of the hospital room. Oh yeah... the toilet back at band practice.. oh god. Wait.. WHERE'S KIER? I widened my eyes and looked down, to see my perfect Kemp, lay across my bedside, with his head lent against my chest. I'd noticed his hand was around mine, and grinned. Time to give him a shock.. I began to curl my fingers with his, keeping my gaze straight towards him as his neck shot up. The look on his face i could never forget.. i could tell he didn't think he'd see me again, that he'd have thought it was his fault, that he was dreaming. I showed him my best grin possible, squeezing his hand the best i could, as i felt a stray tear roll down my cheek, i can tell you...i've never been so happy to see someone in my life. Within seconds he was inches away from my face, wiping the tear from it's place and caressing my face. I closed my eyes and lent into his touch, the feel of his skin once more against mine, sending bursts of life trailing through me, as if he was making me physically, aswell as emotionally better. His soft finger tips running through my fringe, i'd never felt so happy to feel his touch once again.. That was when i opened my eyes again, i could see the tears lining up to escape his gorgeous eyes.. i gripped the back of his neck gently, and tugged him to me, letting him cry into this pathetic hospital gown, as i held my thief close. Close to my heart. He sobbed into my chest, as i cried into his silky hair, not letting him go. He curled up slightly and rested by my side, if only i could tangle myself in his embrace.. i missed the freedom so badly. He sat up and tugged me into a hug, as i let a laugh escape my mouth. Gosh... my voice did sound terrible.. I winced at the pain which soon faded, as i felt Kiers lips upon mine once more. I would have kept him there forever, but i could already see a flash of golden hair race into the room to my side...I'd never been so glad to see Drew.. crazy, amazing Drew. The others followed him as i was once again with the best people in my life.. But it just had to be ruined...

Kiers POV:

A nurse soon came in a disturbed our gathering on Lau's bed. "I'm sorry gentlemen but Mr Beveridge must get some rest now." She churped, leaving once more down the corridor's. My heart dropped as i sighed, looking back to Laurence, he clutched onto my arm with both hands tightly, pleadingly, worry escaping through his gaze.  I kissed his hand and looked back to the guys with determination. "I'm staying. No one can make me leave." I said, my voice quivering...i didn't want to be away from my laurence, he was in my protection.. The Timids exchanged glances as they walked over and patted my shoulders, with Luke happily obliging. They both said their goodbyes to Laurence and strutted out sleepily, to the waiting van. I looked back to Laurence, and he had a grin on his face again, i rolled my eyes and winked at him, shuffling closer and lying by his side. He pulled me closer to him, as the lights in the ward shut off, leaving our room dark, but visible. I rested my head on his shoulder, and looked up at him, kissing his cheek. He brushed my fringe from my sleepy eyes silently, and leant down to kiss my forehead. As my eyes closed up on me, leaving me to rest in the arms of the man i love, finally. I'm going to make sure he's alright, no matter what. And with that thought, i drifted away to sleep, in my princes arms..

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