A Twisted Turn

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Kiers POV:

That alarm is going to get it. I groaned as music burst through our dark room, buzzing on the bed-side table. I was completely engulfed in Laurences embrace, his disturbed breathing pattern waving onto my face as he moaned, sliding his arm from around my waist to rub his eyes. I tried not to show my dissapointment to the lack of warmth around my skin, but it gave me a good oppertunity to wack the clock off the table. I sat forward and rubbed my eyes roughly, sliding my palms over my face as i caught a glimpse of some golden hair dissapear into the bathroom in the hallway. I sighed, i didn't want band practice today, i just wanted to stay with Laurence, for days on end. But then that would be too perfect. It was then that my grin crawled onto my sleepy face, as Laurences arms slid around my wait tightly. He lent his chin over my shoulder, as he kissed down my neck gently. I closed my eyes and smiled to myself, getting lost in the perfection. We stayed there for a good 10 minutes, Laurences soft, warm breathing tickling down my neck, my eyes closed, with my hands clutched gently around his arms. That was until a certain Timid crawled past the doorway, face-planting into the carpet. All that was seen were Drew's Marvel Pyjama bottoms, crinkled around the legs of a lazy blonde. I grinned and reached around behind Laurence, throwing my pillow at the dead Timid on the floor, landing over the back of his head. "Mmmnnfff!" Drew muffled, as he turned his head up to look through the doorway, sticking his tounge out towards us. I smirked as i felt Laurences chuckle send electricity down my skin. I could have stayed there forever if it wasn't for our snooze alarm ringing out again. " Oh fuck.." I moaned as i pulled out of Laurences hold, and turned off the alarm, throwing it onto our bed. Now to drag a Drew down the hall..


Laurences POV:

We had all eventually slumped into the van, with the mammoth task of getting Luke up, i think we were ready. Kier was up at the wheel, as he started the van up and began to move out. I flicked on the radio, having something to break the silence, as i glanced out the window, watching the blurr of life flicker endlessly past. I felt Kier's walm palm rest on my leg, as i smiled, locking my fingers with his as we drove.

We arrived shortly, but after finding our way inside, i had the urge to run to the bathroom hurridly... and sliding into a cubical, i locked the door, gripping the edge of the toilet imediately, as i hung my head over it.. I felt horrible, within the matter of 30 minutes, i couldn't breathe..  After wiping my mouth with toilet roll, i sat back against the locked door on the floor, breathing heavily from the rush. I heard Kier slip into the room, as he gently knocked at the door. "Laurence?... Are you alright love?.." He asked, with a pause. " I'm fine" I slurred, as i struggled to keep my vision clear. I heard his breath hitch as he crouched down. "Why are you are the floor Laur, what's happened?..." He asked, worry escaping through his words. "I'm just.. just a bit iffy is all, i..i'll..be out, soon, i just.." I felt more horrid acid rise up through my throat as i lept forward, spilling it into the bowl in a coughing fit. Kier smacked open the door beside it, and i saw him climb over the top, leaping down onto the floor beside me in a hurry, as he slid his hand behind my neck, wiping my sweaty finge from my forehead. "What's wrong Lau? I'm here...it's going to be alright." He said all too quickly, as i leapt forward once more, him holding my fringe away from my eyes as i emptied my mouth. I could see the panic shining through his eyes, at a glimpse, as i clutched onto his shirt tightly, scrunching up my face. I could feel his heartbeat racing, i wanted to make him see it would be ok, but, i couldn't help but feel revolting, as my chest rithed beneath me. I leant back moaning, as he stroked my cheek shakily, i couldn't speak, the acidly, bitter, vile taste that was lingering, made my throat feel like it had been slit repeatedly. I winced as he yelled for the guys, unlocking the door. And as it swung open, all that was seen were two Timids, with Luke trailing behind, their faces almost as panic stricken as Kiers, as my vision blurred even more, letting me be consumed by  the blackness to follow..

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