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Shane's POV:

I leapt behind Drew on the sofa hurridly, and wrapped my legs around his waist, leaning my grinning chin on his shoulder. He smirked to me, as we awaited the couple to follow. Kier strolled in casually, gripping onto a hidden arm that was gripping around his bare waist, with Laurence following close behind, his puffy face hidden from simply the biggest grin known to man. Me and Drew exchanged smirks as he spoke up. "Well?.." Drew squeeked. Laurence looked to Kier over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow expectidly. Kier grinned to him and slid it to a smirk as he turned to us. "Let's just say, Keveridge has a proper meaning now.." Laurence squeezed his waist gently as i grinned up at them and kissed Drew's neck lovingly. "Finally! Beveridge, you're going to get some busy nights.." Drew let out, as i quickly pulled Drew back and tackled him onto the sofa telling him to shush with a grin. He smirked widly up at me as we decided to stay in the position, eventually drifting off once more without another word..

Kier's POV:

I felt Laurences gentle squeeze as i finished speaking, and my heart thudded happily in my chest, i turned around to him as i heard the Timids have some sort of fight on the sofa. Well... thats their questions over it seems... I looked up to Laurence and winked at him, interlocking my hands with his, as i pulled him over to the opposite sofa, laying down, as i pulled him along with me. My legs were casually stretched out over the rear edge, as i squidged up to the back of the sofa, having Laurence half on top of me. I smiled at the feeling, and brushed my hand through his ebony fringe, as i forgot the world around me for a while. The Timids gentle snoring helped my mind to travel off without me. As i lay with my face to the ceiling, i felt Laurence lift his head up and look into my eyes through his wonky glasses, as he lent up on my chest. I straightened them out and grinned to him, before whispering. "Laurence, i do really want you to know, i never want you to be that upset again, it broke my heart so much.. from now on i'm going to be there, no matter what ok? You're my Laurence now...and i couldn't be more happier...I should have been there more-" He leant foreward quickly, and silenced my lips with his, as i rested my hands on the small of his back, smiling into the kiss.

Laurences POV:

I'd never seen Kier so emotion-filled before, he was normally so casual in everything he did... and this made me feel even happier still, to know i could have this sort of effect... I had been quiet up until then, as i felt his smooth finger tips trace the side of my face, and along my forehead. I could do nothing but close my eyes and allow myself to be taken away by this new-found happiness. Tomorrow would be back to normal.. band practise would be interesting... but i didn't care right now, i didn't care about anything but this man that had stolen my heart since the very beggining. With all these silent thoughts rushing through my head, i hadn't noticed how quiet the confident Kemp was! I lent up gently on his bare chest, and looked into his eyes, as his finger ran through my fringe, his silver ring clinking on the edge of my glasses. When he suddenly spoke up. And before he could finish i leapt foreward and caught his mouth in a loving kiss, knocking my glasses off in the process... As we pulled away, i left my hand on his chin, whispering "I'm sorry for bottling it up, but all my problems aren't with me when you are... i just, i'm happy with you, and know i will always be..." I paused for a moment and looked over to the Timids squinting my eyes, which got a chuckle from Kier. I looked back and smirked for the first time today, "We should do something after band practise tomorrow though." I confirmed, and before he could reply i lept off the sofa, leaving a pout on Kiers face. "But we do need to get dressed and get some breakfast for our sleeping blondes.." I winked, as i leant down to kiss him once more, before shuffling to the doorway. I looked back and Kier was already by my side with his normal smirk splayed across his face. I grinned as we scurried out together, tumbling into the kitchen, leaving some tired Timids to occupy the sofa..

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