Surrender i shall

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Kiers POV:

After eventually struggling down the hallway slowly, i yawned as i swung round the corner just to be stopped at the kitchen entrance. Laurence was lent against the far wall, looking out to what was probablly the timids, and i felt, for some reason, that i shouldn't disturb him. I stayed in the hallway, and lent gently on the door frame, losing myself in thoughts.. I was literally in the same position as Laurence, but simply too curious to see what had caught his eye, i slowly shuffled behind him and looked across his shoulder. Ahh, Timid love.. great. No really, it was great.. i just wish... that it could be me and Laurence one day, i really do.. I looked to the cold tiled floor and squeezed my eyes shut, holding back my crawling emotions... That was until i heard a wet sniffle, escape from Laurences nose. I shot my eyes open and stared up at him from behind. My Laurence, why would he be crying at this? Surely he wasn't feeling the same.. well... obviously. I opened my mouth and sucked in a deep breath as i hesitantly slid my arm between his arm and waist, reaching around until i had him in a firm but comfortable hold. He froze slightly and turned to face me, as i watched a single tear trickle down his warm cheek. I reached up and rubbed it from its place gently. That was when he shot forward, and collapsed into my bare chest.. as tears escaped endlessly down his beautiful face...

Laurences POV:

As soon as his smooth thumb traced across my skin, his shining hazel eyes locked on mine, his firm fingers gripped tightly onto my scruffed up shirt, my emotions rose up and burned through my whole body as i flung my arms tightly around his chest, planting my wet face into his warm skin. I'm sure it was the worst possible desision, i think... But he reacted imediately, and slid the palm of his hand up through the back of my hair, as he held me close, close to his heart as i like to say... His comforting arms were secure around my shivering body, as i wept into the chest of the one i loved.. I couldn't stand this anymore. I had to tell him, i had to tell him now... but nothing slipped from my mouth other than painful sobs. "Laurence, i'm here Laurence i always will be..." Kier suddenly whispered into my ear. I squeezed him tighter as he carried on. "Shhh, don't worry i'm here." By now the Timids were already up and stood in the the doorway, with golden hair stretched out in all directions. They stayed beside us, but didnt interfere, as my knees began to quiver, slowly buckling beneath me. In a matter of seconds i had my face buried in Kier's shoulder, curled up on the floor as he never loosened his comforting grip around my body. He must have got the Timids to leave, as they werent there at my second glimpse... I turned my head back, and relaxed slightly, as i looked up into his perfect eyes.. He brushed his fingers lightly across my damp skin, and slid his hand down to rest on the side of my neck, as a tear escaped down his very slightly stubbled cheek. "Everything's going to be ok.." He whispered, as he lent forward, gripping the back of my neck gently, quickly closeing the space between us. His lips smoothly slid against mine, as i surrendered, to the impossible.

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