If love is death then let me fucking die.

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Kiers POV:

Should i trust my heart or my brain? Was Laurence really beside me, or was it just a cruel joke hiding the fact i'm dead.. the fact i'm broken, lost.. The blackness was returning and i didn't know how to stop it.. I cringed as pain leaked from my side, making my shaking fingers dart through the blackness to clench my broken wound.. Was this hell never going to stop? I just want my Laurence.. So, so badly.. I rubbed my eyes visciously to stop the threatening tears from escaping, but they just wouldnt stop... I bit my lip through the blackness, as i attempted to relax once again, giving in to the pain.. Hopefully reality could be much more kinder.. I slowly opened my heavy eyes, as the morning sun surged through the blinds, reclecting everything in the room. But the pain hadnt even left.. it was worse.. I cringed imediately and snapped a hand to my mouth, in the hope to hide the screams wanting to break free. This was too unbearable to put into words... The tears raced each other down my throat, as i shot my hand to my wound, wincing as more pain shot through my veins.. I breathed out slowly, removing my shaking fingers from my side slightly. I froze as i studied my skin, holding my fingers up through the sunlight. "Shit..." I whispered, as the warm, crimson liquid creeped through my fingers. I quickly glanced down to my side, and stared at the bulging red stain that was soaking through my gown. I couldn't stop my heart from racing as i tugged the sheets higher, to cover my disturbed wound. And hiding a hand under the sheets, i lent my head back into Laurences chest as he began to stir.. Oh fuck.

Laurences POV:

I let a yawn erupt through my dry throat as i raised my arms in the air, stretching. I grinned quietly to myself and planted a tender kiss into Kiers hair, as he wiped his eyes and looked up smiling to me. "Thank God it wasn't a dream.." I grinned, as he smiled slightly, nodding. He shuffled uneasily, and coughed, a struggled squeek escaping through his lips...Hm, i should give him some space, he deserves some after all this pain he's been put through.. I lent forward and curled my head around his, letting our lips touch, as i caressed his neck gently, before pulling away. He squeezed my hand as i did, a weak grin on his face.. He does look terrible.. I held back my sigh and gulped as i let a smile form. "I'm just going to get some breakfast love.." I lied, as he nodded silently. I wanted a nurse to check up on him to be honest.. He didnt seem himself and i'm not risking ANYTHING. I kissed his cheek gently, as i lent forward, causing him to flinch forward, a hand shooting from under the sheets to clutch his side. I froze where i was and slid back down carefully. "I'm so sorry love, i'll just slip-" And before i could finish, my eyes locked to his finger tips that had curled around his side.. Blood. And not dried blood.. I felt my heart stop, as my breath hitched in my throat. "K-kier, why is, why...why is there blood on your fingers.." I asked, barely audible. His eyes widened as he slid his hand back under the sheets rapidly.. "I-it's nothing babe.. don't worry.." He smiled up to me. I'm sorry Kemp, but i know you better than most.. I whipped the covers back and saw the crimson puddle between us, now oozing down onto my leg. "SHIT, KIER ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" I yelled in a panic, as he went to reply, but i watched as his eyes rolled back instantly, his body falling limp onto my chest.. "KIER?? KIER, NO PLEASE! KIER!" I screamed, as machines kicked into action all around me, Kiers leaking blood trailed down from his open wound, trailing onto the floor. I pushed my palms over his side, squeezing down as much pressure as i could. "KIER, PLEASE.. SOMEBODY HELP GOD DAMN YOU?!" I yelled into the corridor, as nurses and staff launched themselves into the room, pushing me into the arms of Luke and Shane in the corridor, a door slamming shut behind them.. "KIER!! NO, PLEASE, KIIEERR!!" I screamed as Shane sobbed by my neck tugging me into Drews hospital room, as Luke held his arms out to help my screams subside... I collapsed onto the floor in my blood stained gown, and curled up, ignoring the world around me, as i gave in to my own black world.. hoping to never return without my thief. Leaving my worried Timids and drummer to cope with the pain i couldn't bare to live with.. If love is death then let me fucking die.

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