"Oh Beveridge..."

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Kiers POV:

Just looking down at Laurence, his face puffed up, bright pink, these heart-breaking sobs escaping through his mouth..i felt my own heart ache. I comferted him, i wanted him to know, that i would always be there..because, i loved him... I loved Laurence Beveridge. I just, couldn't get those words out in the open.. I looked up to see Shane and Drew staring at us sympothetically, as their gaze travelled up to my lost eyes. I nodded to them as they mouthed, 'We'll be in our room.' and they patted me on the shoulder as they quietly slid past. I looked back down to the weeping body, now curled up against me on the cool floor, as he glimpsed up to meet my eyes. I hid my blush, as i bit the inside of my lip, sending a single tear rolling down my cheek. I slowly took in a breath, and made my desiscion. If i couldn't tell him how i felt, i'd just have to show him. It's now or never after all... I wiped his tears away with a shakey palm, as i rested my hand around his warm neck. Beveridge.. here it comes.. "Everything's going to be ok.." I assured, before straining my back forward, and pressing my lips to his. There was definately no turning back now.. As soon as he realised what was happening, i felt him press ever so slightly, against my mouth, as he swallowed his last sob, replacing it with a sharp intake of breath. I smiled into the gentle kiss, as i opened my eyes slowly, pulling away. He looked at me silently, his eyes were wild and mysterious, as he kept his eyes locked on mine. I brushed his silky fringe from his eyes, and slid off his glasses to wipe the remaining tears clinging to his tiny eyelashes.  "W-why?" He struggled. I glimpsed to the floor, (yes, i was still awkwardly sat on the kitchen floor in just my boxers) and looked back up, keeping up the will to hide my heated up face." Laurence.." I began, as i shuffled to look straight at him, trying to show all my emotions through my gaze. I took his hands in mine. "You know, why i will always be there for you Beveridge? Because-" I paused slightly and took a deep breath. "Because..i, love you. A-and, i kind of always have.." I attempted to pull off a casual shrug, as i shot him a nervous smirk. His eyes widened slightly, the only movement to be made. I've just gone and ruined it completely... Well done Kemp.

Laurences POV: I stared into his eyes in pure shock, as he pulled away, and casually kept his eyes locked to mine. All these emotions raced through my body, and, the one pushing up through me, rising to the top, was happiness. This really is a dream. Kier Kemp doesn't just normally kiss his best friend..well what am i saying.. it could have been for comfort..i mean, i need some help here! I'm sure he must have seen the collection of emotions taking their place on my face, so he gripped my hands gently in his, and turned to face straight towards me. I gulped slightly, as i stared at him, still unable to move. And the words, i'd never even pictured Kier saying, rolled out of his mouth, as he bit his lip nervously. My body just surged up with heat, as i felt so overwhelmed. Another tear danced down my swollen cheek, as Kiers eyes widened slightly, and closed, as if defeated. I snapped out of it imediately as i folded my fingers with his, and sniffed up the tears attempting to escape. He opened his eyes again and looked at me, raising an eyebrow. I felt my lips widen, as a grin shot from my face, as if it were the answer to everything he had said. He let out a relieved laugh, and gripped my hands tight, as he smiled back, his beautiful eyes glinting as he did. I coughed to get my voice back, as i attempted to speak. "I-Kier, i, you-" I sighed and grinned ridiculously, my dimples taking their place as i shook my head. "I love you, Kier Kemp, i'm just, i'm so sorry i've never had the guts to say.." I spilled out, as he gave me the most perfect smirk ever.. "Oh Beveridge," He said, "You should never, please, have to hide anything like that." He smiled as he leant his arms forward to grab me into an embrace. I couldn't stop grinning through the hug, as i opened my eyes to look across his shoulder, i spotted two matted heads of golden hair peeking around the doorway. Shane was grinning along with me as he slipped his arms around Drews waist securely. Drew caught my gaze, and winked to me, as i let out a quiet laugh and smiled at him as they shuffled back out. "Well, all i can say, is we've got a Woolnough to put up with now.." I began, as i felt Kier turn around to the doorway, and glimpsed back at me with a smirk. "Bring it on.." He winked as he pulled me up and adjusted his boxers, pulling me by the arm out of the kitchen. Kier strutted into the living room, me following close behind, with a comfortable arm around his waist. "Well?.." Drew spoke up, grinning up to us like the great child he is...

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