The weakness of a black soldier

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"Please don't take them there all I have left," Canis heard a woman wail from down the street. Canis and his friends rushed out the door to find a group of ten black soldiers on the main street each had a dragon painted red as blood on the chest of their armor. Two were restraining the women the had heard wailing. Her she had curly black hair which rested on her shoulders her face was very red and streaming with tears and it was obvious why. Four more black soldiers were flanked either side of two prisoners, a tall made with long, ginger hair that went down to his shoulders, who was pale indeed and a girl no older than six who also ginger hair tied in a ponytail, she looked very afraid she was on the verge of tears. They must have been the women's husband and daughter. The black soldiers made them kneel in front of the fountain. One of the black soldiers who was obviously the leader glared at them and muttered something which sounded like disgusting. Then said

"These two kneel before me because they had been caught turning into orangutangs to fix.... a gutter," he paused for a moment then continued,"The man will be made an example of that is to say....killed," People in the crowd gasped, the wife of the man sobbed some more her hands clasped over her mouth, but Canis just felt anger rise inside of him. The black soldier continued "The girl will be taken away where we will attempt to purge this evil out of her," this was the last straw for Canis. He pushed passed the onlookers and onto the high street, his companions behind him.

"The only evil here is you and your comrades," Canis yelled at the black soldier from down the street. Canis could tell all eyes were on him. The woman who had been crying lifted her head from her hands to look at Canis. "What does Vastator have against Gente Animali anyway?" asked Canis in a deadly tone.

"Vastator feels that animals and people should stay separate, not mixed like the Gente Animali," said the black soldier who clearly couldn't care less about a teen's opinion.

"This isn't about moral principles. Vastator is just jealous of the Gente Animali, that he can't do what they can do," said Canis defiantly.

"Why don't you and your friends go run along and play," said the black soldier in a mocking voice. All the black soldiers roared with laughter, but the crowd remained deadly silent.

"Not until you release those people," replied Canis drawing his sword. Ferre and Passerie followed suite drawing their blades and Anne knocked and arrow. Canis couldn't see the black soldier's face under his visor, but he was probably wearing a look of anger or shock.

"Well, what are you waiting for," snarled the lead black soldier turning to his comrades "get them!" All the black soldiers left their posts, including the ones guarding prisoners and restraining the mother. The man saw the opportunity and grabbed his daughter around the wrist and dragged her to safety. In total nine black soldiers were in a line at the other end of the street. Canis looked at the armor and guessed it was really thick but at every joint there was a gap. Canis made a mental note of that and he was certain his friends were doing the same. There were a few seconds of silence then all hell broke loose. Anne fired her arrow but in bounced harmlessly of the soldiers armor. Ferre charged at two black soldiers in the middle of the line. Passerie had the challenge of taking on three of the soldiers but whenever they swiped at her she turned into a sparrow and fluttered around the heads. Canis was facing two of the soldiers. They had a staredown until one of them lunged at him. Canis nimbly dodged him and whacked him over the with the hilt of his blade, knocking him unconscious. The next one took a more careful approach. He swung his sword around in an attempt to get Canis's right side. Canis easily blocked the attack, but the soldier persisted. He carried on with an array of sword moves pushing Canis back. Canis knew he was trying to tire him out. Unfortunately, Canis tripped over and dropped his sword. The black soldier pointed the tip of his blade at Canis's heart.

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