The hearing

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It had been weeks since the group had asked for the hearing. They each had found jobs within the city to pay for food and accommodation. Anne and Passerie got a job selling apples in a town square, Ferre got a job at one of the city's forges making weapons for the city. Canis got a job going under houses and retrieving lost items in the form of a dog. The group was staying at a motel called the Smelly Poodle, unfortunately, the d,l, and e had fallen off the sign so it read the Smelly Poo

"I now hate apples with a passion," Passerie grumbled back at the two bedroom motel room.

"How do you loose a pig under a house?" said Canis with a puzzled tone.

"My hands are so red I bet a baboon's butt couldn't reach this shade," said Ferre rubbing his hands, " To top it off we are staying in a motel called the Smelly Poo." They sat there for a while wallowing in their misery before Anne stormed through the door.

"Guys it's here," yelled Anne, "This letter says the king will see us tomorrow a ten." They all jumped to their feet and passerie yelled,

"I can quit my dumb job," while fist pumping the air.

"We are to meet his representative at the front gates to the palace. He will then take us to see the king. So everybody needs to look their best and be on their best behaviour," said Anne and they all stared a Passerie.

"What?" said Passerie with confusion on her face, "When have I ever been out of place,"

"You want your answer in Chronological or Alphabetical order," Canis said sarcastically.

"Ha ha," said Passerie, "Fine I will be good but if the guys in the palace tick me off then I can't promise I will be little Ms nice girl," 

"Well we better go to sleep we need to be well rested for tomorrow morning," said Anne 

"Mum, it's only seven why do we need to go to bed," said Canis confused.

"Go to bed," said Anne gently.

"But-," Canis stopped talking when his mum started glaring at him and he realised that it would be better to stop arguing.

The next morning they all got dressed. For breakfast which to Passerie's disgust was apples and then headed towards the palace. The palace had many towers and turrets. It's gleaming white walls shone in the morning sun. When they got to the front gates they all looked up and marvelled at the palace. 

"Can I help you," said a palace guard in a gruff voice.

"We're here to see the king," said Anne.

"Do you have a hearing," said the Guard.

"Actually, we do," said Anne in a smug tone. Anne passed the guard the letter and begrudgingly he signalled for the door to be lowered. They were escorted along corridors made of white marble. Tapestries and paintings hung on the walls, depicting battles and past rulers. They were lead to a large room with high ceilings. At the very end of the room has the king of Mammifero sitting on top of his throne.Next to him were his two personal bodyguards a man large man in leather armour to his right and to the kings left a woman wearing similar clothing to her counterpart. 

"I present to you King Leeuw," The Royal attendant announced. 

The King opened his mouth and boomed "Speak!"

"Your majesty we humbly come before you to ask your blessing in a quest our party wishes to undertake," Anne said one her knees. She gestured to the others that they should do the same.

"What would be the nature of this quest." The king asked in a cool and calm voice. 

"We seek to find a way to destroy the terrorist Vastator." Said Anne smoothly. The king merely laughed.

"How do you intend to destroy him you are merely a housewife, two children and lumbersome oaf"

"Hey mate you may be king of the mammals but if you don't watch it you'll find my foot will be king of your ass," Ferre growled angrily.

"Yea and I'm not just some child." Passerie injected. Anne groaned as she expected the worst. Her fears, however, would not be met.

"You all got a lot of courage coming in here and speaking in that manner to the king of the mammals so for that reason I will here you plea over dinner."

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