Chapter-3: Our First Meeting

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(A/N: Okay so because I'm getting some good response for my story, I'm going to post everyday till 24th. I hope this brings a smile on your faces. Love you all. Next update tomorrow. Till then, keep loving me and stay blessed.)

Cabir's friends came over. I had a hard time mingling with them because I wasn't very social back then but they were really friendly. Well, he wasn't. Mukti and Navya gelled along well. Mukti was a tom-boy and was more into racing, biking and outdoor games. She dressed pretty modern too and she was like, a farfetched dream every guy would want in his life. Manik seemed like a reserved guy. He was a stunning person. He was a hot and handsome guy and any girl would fall for his looks. 6 foot tall approximately, well-built body, sharp features, everything a girl would want her man to have. But, that guy was different. He would just sit in a corner and drink like shit. He only talked to Cabir and that too, only if it was necessary. I would glance at him, every now and then. He was attractive and I couldn't help but be in awe with him. Nobody could ignore such a handsome guy. Navya once told me that Manik was on drugs but back then, I didn't know that Manik was actually this Manik. I felt a weird feeling.

Firstly, I was depressed, and on top of that, having such people around can affect you too. Drinking, smoking, drugs and other habits do impact people around. But I didn't really want to know what was wrong with him. My own life was a mess and sorting it out wasn't easy. Plus, I was going to be a mother soon and life would just get worse after that. I chucked the thought. We spent that evening, chatting.

At night, Cabir suggested we go out on a campfire. His house was close to the beach and Manik owned a beach-house. So we decided to go there, for the night. We drove in 2 cars. In one, there was Cabir, Navya and Mukti and in the other, Manik and I. We were alone and it was boring, so I tried to initiate a conversation with him.

"Manik, what's wrong?" Well, I didn't really want to know but I couldn't resist myself from asking him.


"Is anything wrong? You aren't comfortable with me around, is it?" He looked straight, focusing on the road.

"Nothing of that sort." He replied sharply.

"Oh. Then, may I know why this grumpy face?" He rolled his eyes, stopped the car and turned backwards to me.

"Do you really need to know about everything going on in others' lives? Don't you have your own to bother about? Why do people care about others' personal lives so much?"

"Manik, I'm just asking. Maybe I could help?"

"Oh please, whatever your name is..." He snapped again.

"It's Nandini, Nandini... Deshpande." I choked. Tears welled up in my eyes as I said those words. He turned front and hit the steering wheel. He drove as fast as he could.

No doubt we were the first ones to reach the beach-house. Manik got out and unlocked the house. I wiped my tears and got down from the car. I walked inside. I looked around and it looked heavenly. The house was small, but well-maintained and pretty. I turned back. I looked at him and he was hesitant to come inside.

"Manik, isn't this your beach-house? Why are you standing there?" He glared at me and puffed up with anger. I regretted what I said when he walked as fast as he could, held my arm and pushed me to the wall, pressing his body against mine.

"Don't you dare try to question me? I don't have to give you an explanation for anything, get that? I have my life and you have yours. I don't need anyone's help or sympathy, samjhi?" I nodded slowly, unable to move my head because of the proximity.

"Say sorry." He came closer and pressed himself against my tummy. What if he'd hurt my baby?

"Manik, leave me... Please."

"Say sorry first."

"Manik, you're gonna hurt my baby." He let go of me immediately, stepped back and looked at my tummy. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"WHAT?" He shouted. He looked confused, or rather shocked.

"Nothing. Sorry." I wiped my tears and turned to leave. He pulled me again and pushed me to the wall, making sure he didn't hurt me this time.

"What did you say?"

"I don't have to give you an explanation for anything." I said, in the same tone. He let go of me and I wiped my tears and walked out. As soon as I walked out, I saw Navya, Cabir and Mukti getting down the car.

"When did you guys come? And tum ro kyun rahi ho?" Navya asked me with utmost concern. She cupped my cheeks and I wiped my tears and faked a smile.

"Nandini, tum teek toh ho?" Mukti asked.

"Mukti, I'm fine. It's just... I miss him."

"WHO?? Manik? He is inside only na?" I chuckled.

"Nahi Cabir. I mean..." I choked.

"Haan haan... I know. I just wanted to cheer you up." Cabir said and hugged me from the side.

"Don't worry Nandini. Everything will be fine. Just give it some time." I nodded and we went in. Manik was still standing there, probably in shock. He must have not expected that.

Well, I wouldn't blame him. I was a short, cute little girl, 5 feet 3 inches and I looked more like a teenager than a 22 year old, married woman. I didn't look really impressive enough for men to drool over me. I never thought I would fall in love, until I met Nikhil. Nikhil and I were friends from 8th grade. In fact, he was like my only friend back then because I was an orphan and people would bully me and tease me for not having parents. I used to study well too, which made people think I wasn't one of those 'cool' girls. I had a gang of friends but they weren't really my type. They were friends just for the sake of it. Especially in 12th grade, they got worse. Smoking, drinking, gambling and sex were some of their common habits.

Nikhil, too had that gang of friends who would indulge in those activities so he would isolate himself and stay in one corner of the room, away from drunk girls. We met in a few parties. In fact, we were there only because our friends forced us to come along. While everyone would get drunk and play dares, we would just stand in a corner and talk, while sipping some fruit juice. We talked often and ended up hanging out often too, because we had many common interests. We loved badminton, gardening, and making ice-creams. We would play together and study together sometimes, too. Gradually, things changed. I started having feelings for him.

When we were 18 or so, I had to shift from my orphanage in order to stay closer to college and also because it was time for me to be independent. I had to leave my friends behind and I shifted to the city but then, my new house wasn't really safe. The area was known for drunkards roaming on the streets quarter past 9. Nikhil was really possessive, with both his friends as well as me. He would come over every night, stay with me till dawn and leave home. This would only make things worse for me. It's hard to pretend that someone doesn't mean anything to you when he actually does. But when he confessed his love for me, on 11th September 2012, I was on top of the world. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to react but one thing I knew back then was that he was the man for me. I started believing in true love. We were in a relationship for 18 months and then we got married and I was pregnant with his child but he was dead.

I came out of my thoughts and we went to the beach. We set up a campfire. Navya and I were sitting right opposite to Cabir and Manik and Mukti was sitting in between Cabir and Navya. Everyone was talking about Mumbai except Manik and I. Manik glanced at me, giving judgemental looks, every now and then and I felt uncomfortable. I got up, excused myself and left the place, but it was not soon before Manik followed me.

(I hope you guys like it. Tell me in the comments below. Any changes needed? Does Manik's character need a tweak? Too much drama? Tell me in the comments below. Vote if you think it's worth. Loads of love.)

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