Chapter-19: The Night

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(A/N: Last update for this year. I'm getting emotional now. This year had been so eventful for me and it has finally come to an end. 2015 brought me loads of online friends, and some real friends (those people know who I mean) and loads and loads of MaNan. Frankly speaking, I began to watch KY2 this February and if it weren't for them, I would not even be where I am now. Phew... Lame summary of my life? Cool. And yeah, Parth's niece looks so cute and so does her Mamu 😍. Picture in the media box. Do check it if you haven't seen it yet. Now enjoy! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016. Cheers.)

It had almost been a week since Manik and I were away from each other. All I'd hear from Cabir was that Manik was getting better everyday. Neither did he talk to me nor did I ask him to. But this separation was killing me. "It's about your life, okay?" Navya's words rung in my head. How is my life related to Manik and I not being with each other? I can't do this anymore. I stormed out of my room and went to the living. I sat next to Navya on the couch and turned the television off.

"Nandu... Yaar! That was my favorite show on MTV. Problem kya hai tumhari?"

"Navya, I want to go back to Mumbai. Main Manik ke saath rehna chahti hun."

"Achanak kyun? Hua kya hai?"

"Manik is not well and I need to go, Navya."


"Damn it! I can't plead anymore. I love him and he is my husband, get that? There is no reason in hell that I need to stay here when I have someone for me, who needs me." Navya stood there, in a shock. She blinked her eyes a couple of times.

"What the..."

"Navya, I have to go and I'm going." I stood up and called someone.

"Hey Nandini."
"Jeet bhaiyya, I need to go to Mumbai. Can you book a ticket for me?" Navya grabbed the phone from my hand, cut it and slapped me hard on the face.

"Do you know what you're even doing? You're spoiling your life." I was in tears already.

"I'm not. My husband is in pain and I can't stay here and act like nothing matters to me. I should have taken this decision a week ago but I didn't because I told him I wouldn't tell anyone." She grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me.

"Nandini... Come back to your senses. Forget about love for sometime and listen to me carefully." I crossed my arms and stood, waiting for a lecture from her.

"Abhimanyu was the one who hurt Manik. He wants to kill him. You know why? Because Abhimanyu loves you. He thinks if he can get rid of Manik, he'll have you forever. If we didn't leave from there, he would've leaked our secret to you guys and you and Manik wouldn't be together after that. He wanted to get physical with you and hurt you so that Manik hates you more. We decided to separate you, only to make things better. We want you and Manik to be together and if that meant we needed to separate you both for a while, we could. And that's all we did." I stood silent for a while and tried to analyze the situation. Was Abhimanyu really that bad? How come I never knew that?

"I... But Navya, because Abhimanyu wants me, why should Manik suffer? I should, na?"

"Nandini, stop asking questions. I cannot tell you everything about my 5 years friendship."

"Navya, I don't care about myself. Bas, I want to be with Manik. Whatever has to happen, will happen. I cannot bear him getting hurt because of me. And don't stop me this time. Please?" I booked a ticket and started packing my bags. Navya kept on pleading and requesting me to quit my decision but I didn't give in. I was about to leave when Navya came running to me.

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