Chapter-28: I Wish

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(A/N: Yolo girls. What's up? Missed me? Well, I have just started preparing myself for my 11th grade so really stuck up with that for now. I'm sorry for the delay. Besides, my best friend, my sister in crime, made a trailer for my story. The trailer is in the media box above. Do check it and let me know if you like it. Thanks Iluvpani_xoxo dii! ILYSM. ❤️ Now let's get to the point. Vote and comment if you liked the chapter. Love, your writer.)


"Nandini?" He whispered, to know whether I was awake. I nuzzled into his chest and hummed.

"I am sorry." He confessed and I looked at him with half-asleep eyes. He laid on his back and I laid on his chest, trying to look at him properly.

"Kyun?" I muttered and he wrapped his arm around my waist. He snuggled into me and a small smile appeared on my lips.

"I called you money-minded and stuff. I didn't mean that. And I know Nikhil is richer than I am and..." I could sense him feeling guilty and I didn't want that. He must've partially been the reason why my life had changed but I liked the change. I didn't want to revert anything in our lives.

"It's okay. Let's not go back to where we were 2 days ago. I am happy now. We're good." I cuddled closer to him and he smiled. He wrapped an arm around my body and planted a soft kiss on my head.

"I know. I love you."

"I love you, Manik." We lied beside each other, with our breaths mingling, our hearts beating for each other and that moment I knew, destiny brought us closer through our problems. I hurt him, he hurt me, but eventually we were together because we were meant to be.

I dozed into his arms until I heard a soft bark. I fluttered my eyes open and looked at Manik and he smiled.

"I think our baby is up. Let's go back." He stated and I gathered my clothes and went to change. It was now, my turn to heal him.


"Manik..." I called out for him after searching for minutes around the farmhouse. I stepped outside and found him playing with our puppy. Manik threw a ball and our baby ran behind it, picked it in its mouth and ran back to him. I could see him smiling wide, flashing his teeth, the happiness in it and I knew I was one of the reasons for that smile. Involuntarily, a smile molded my lips too.

"Manik, I was looking for you everywhere." He shifted his focus to me and waved for me to join. I stood next to him and took the ball. I threw it with very less force and my baby barked and ran behind it. It was bliss having her in our life.

"Okay, Nandini, let's leave. It's getting late. Chalo. Munchkin, come on. Let's go." I signaled our baby to come and she ran with her tiny paws to reach us. I carried her in my arms and kissed her coat. We got into the car and drove back.


I went around cleaning our room when I spotted something. Something peeking from his desk. I went closer and pulled the book out to see a sort of diary. There were polaroid pictures of all sizes pinned onto the book. I ran my fingers along those pictures and flipped through.

Aren't you somethin' to admire?
'Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror
And I can't help but notice
You reflect in this heart of mine
If you ever feel alone and
The glare makes me hard to find
Just know that I'm always parallel on the other side

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