Chapter 6:Jecca

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Becca's POV
Josh and I's relationship couldn't be better. Josh and I have been spending a lot of time together recently.


I have been throwing up for like 3 weeks now. At first I thought it was just the flu, but I would have gotten rid of it by now. I decided to go to the doctor. He ran a blood test. Then he said:

"Congratulations Becca, you are pregnant!" .

I tried not to cry. I thanked him, and had my mom drive me to Josh's house. He has to be the father. Nobody else has been that close to me. I walked up to Josh's door, and ran the doorbell. Josh answered.

"Hey beautiful Becca," he said.

"Hey Josh. Can you step outside for a minute? I need to talk to you," I said.

"Sure," he said, stepping outside.

"I'm pregnant, and you're the father," I said.

"Are you kidding?" Josh asked.

"No," I said.

"Congratulations," He said.

"Thanks," I said.

"I think we should talk to my mom about you moving into our house, and the baby," I said.

"Good idea. I'll see if she will take us to Hidalgos so we can all talk," I said.

"Okay," he said.

"Mom, can the three of us go to Hidalgos so we can talk?"I asked.

"Sure honey," she said.

I got in the front of the truck and Josh got in the back. Mom drove to Hidalgos. We got drinks,then sat down at a table.

"So mom, I was thinking that Josh could move into my room, and we could have the baby stay there when he or she is born," I said.

"Okay, that sounds good. All we have to do is get the baby stuff," Mom said.

"Yeah. I think I want to wait until I know the gender to get the stuff," I said.

"Sounds like a good idea. I will ask my mom if I can move in," Josh said.

"It's getting late. We better go home," Mom said.

We got in the car. We drove Josh home. Then we went home .

"What did the doctor say?" Gabi asked me when I walked into the door.

"That I'm pregnant," I said like it was no big deal.

"Wow," Gabi said.

At supper that night I told Gabi and my dad the plan about Josh moving in and the baby coming. I'm at two months now so we have time, but we just have to be ready .


That night , I cried . I'm very stressed out about this baby. I'm worried. I'm only 13.


The next day after school, I knocked on the doorframe to Miss Kate's office.

"Come in," she said.

It was only her in there. I went in, and Miss Kate turned to face me.

"I would just like you to know, that due to personal issues, I will be leaving The Next Step. I may come back, but at this time dance doesn't work for me," I said.

"We will miss you," Kate said as she gave me a hug.


A couple months later, my dad drove Josh and I to an ultrasound. Today is just to confirm that everything is good for our baby.
Dad drops us off, and we go in and check in. Then we sit in the waiting room and chat.

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