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Drew this for this chapter >:)

Song - You Be The Anchor That Keeps My Feet On The Ground, I'll Be The Wings That Keep Your Heart In The Clouds by Mayday Parade

Holy shit that's a long title for a good song.

•Jordan's POV•

"Are you feeling any better, Martha?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah. Mum always made the best soups." She replied, smiling weakly as James fed her dinner.

I smiled back and walked out to the kitchen. Tom was sitting against the far wall, next to the glass door. He isn't wearing his cloak anymore, he told James to keep it. Now he just wears his dark green tank top and jeans.

Andor had complained that it was actually his but Tom just ignored him.

Now, everyone was eating dinner on the couches. It was raining outside. We were saving the heating propane for when winter comes, so it was freezing inside.

Dia came around, handing out extra blankets. Tom refused his.

I grabbed a bowl of soup and sat against the wall, next to Tom.

"You're gonna freeze to death." I said and covered him and myself with a thick blanket. Our shoulders touched. "You're so cold, Tom!"

"And you're warm." Tom murmured sleepily and leaned into me.


"Uh-uh. You are not sleeping until you eat, okay?"

I spoon-fed him my soup.

"You need to eat too, dumbass." He said, looking away after he had finished half of my bowl.

"You're the one shivering, now eat."

Ianite and Dia started chanting 'make out' from the kitchen.

"Should we try eating upstairs?" I asked Tom.

He nodded and took the bowl from me. I stood up, leaving the blanket with him, and looked down.

"You coming?" I asked him when he didn't move. His eyes were half shut as his arms weakly reached up to me.

I realized he wanted me to carry him, so I bent over and put my arms behind his back and under his knees. His arms wrapped around my neck and his head nuzzled into my chest. He's so fucking cute. I wish he wouldn't give me such mixed signals.

I carried him upstairs and set him down on our bed.

"I'm too tired to eat, shut up and let me go to sleep." Tom started complaining.

"I just carried your fat ass up a flight of stairs. Now eat the rest of it."

"You're cute when you take charge."

I froze for a second. Oh my fucking god he's adorable.

Fuck it.

I lifted his chin and kissed him softly.

It just... felt right.

Tom's lips molded perfectly to mine, just like that day in the warehouse.

After a couple seconds, he pulled away.

I looked down at the floor blushing a deep red. I knew it.

"I-I'm sorry. I just-"

Tom cut me off. He flipped me over so my back touched the bed. He used his right arm for support and his left cupped my cheek.

"Uh... Oh... Okay..." I mumbled shyly.

"Shut up, moron." He smiled a little and smashed his lips to mine.

I went along with his movements but my mind was racing. What consequences will there be for this? Isn't there a rule about having sex in horror movies? What if someone walks in on us? What does this make us?

As I'm laying there, like an idiot, working out all of those questions like untangling earbuds, Tom started kissing his way down my jaw.

Then my idiocy decided to voice itself.

"What's even happening right now? Are we just making out or are we about to...?"

"Depends. How's this?" He bit my neck a little. I yelped but my arms wrapped around his back. I felt him smile.

"And the door is still cracked open a bit, I was holding you so I didn't close it. What if they hear us?"

"I'll tell you a secret, Jordan." He pressed his forehead to mine. "I don't give a shit."

"But if we're about to... you know, then that makes us a thing, right?"

"You sure do talk a lot, Sparkly-dick." Tom's hand brushed my thigh. I threw my head back and held in a whimper.

"You're adorable when you're on your back like this."

God, he's hot.

"I've told you, you really need to work on the thinking out loud thing." He smirked. I was blushing like crazy so I tried to cover my face with my hands. But Tom moved them and kissed me again. Softer this time. Sweeter. I kissed back more this time, sitting up a little.

"I didn't take Tom for someone who liked leftovers." A voice came from the door.

I jumped up so I was sitting on the bed. Tom scowled and turned around.

"Who the fuck-?" He started but stopped himself. "Of fucking course."

Andor stood in the doorway, smirking at Tom.

"It's not my fault Jordan can't get over me, sorry he has to target his lust at you." Andor's emerald eyes fixed on me. "C'mon, hun. You can spend the night in my room."

I was speechless.

"I- I don't know... What?" I stuttered.

"Well Jordan, where are you sleeping tonight?" Tom asked, crossing his arms.

"I... Uh... I-"

"Hun, don't lead the poor man on. C'mere." Andor smiled and raised an eyebrow.

Then it hit me.

I knew exactly what I was going to say now.

hehehe, cliffy-cloo >:)

I am satan. My favorite character on The Walking Dead probably got gutted. I'm pissed so fuck all of your dreams of smut. Bye.

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