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Song - Walk On Water Or Drown by Mayday Parade

•Jordan's POV•

"Tom, can I talk to you for a second? In private." I asked.

"I'll wait out here, hun." Andor stepped out into the hallway.

Something tugged at my heart. Andor used to always call me 'hun' as a pet name.

I missed him.

"Isn't this the part where you spill the story of how he broke your heart and you want me to save you from him?" Tom asked, sitting on the bed. "Or are we gonna lock the door and fuck loudly so he can hear?"

"Tom, he didn't break my heart. He had to go to college and we knew we couldn't do long distance, so we broke it off. It took me forever to get over him." I sat on Tucker and Sonja's bed. "And I know you really like me, and I really like you too! But I need to time to talk to him. Please don't take this the wrong way."

Tom's expression didn't change. He sighed.

"I'm only a little really offended so I guess so. Just don't do anything with him, okay?" Tom walked to me, towering over me. I nodded. He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

I stood and opened the door. Andor was leaning against a wall. I walked to him and he smiled. God, I missed his smile. His arm found its way around my waist and he pulled me to his side. Unlike Tom, Andor is only a couple inches taller than me. Tom has like half a foot on me.

"I missed you, hun." Andor said, stepping towards me once we got to his room.

"I missed you too, Prince Charming."

His smile widened and he held my hands.

"So, what do you wanna do?" He asked, smirking.

"I... Wanted to talk... What've you been up to? I have seen you since you left."

"Doesn't really matter now, does it?" There was a glint in his eye.

Andor advanced on me, making me feel cornered. He carefully and gently placed his lips on mine.

It didn't feel the same. When Tom had kissed me, adrenaline rushed through me and a sense of joy overpowered everything else. But this, Andor touching my cheek and trying to deepen the kiss, felt boring and I was almost scared.

I know I used to feel what I now feel with Tom with Andor. But I got over him.

I pulled away.


"I- I can't do this..." I stuttered and stood up. "I'm going to sleep downstairs in Ianite's room. Goodnight Andor."

He looked heartbroken. He sat down on the bed and stared at the floor.

I left the room.


"What do I do now?" I asked Ianite after telling her what happened.

"Sweetheart, you clearly have moved on from Andor. In a world like we're in today, all anyone wants is what you have with Tom."

"But Andor's handsome and charming. He's just... Not the one..."

"It appears that you've answered your own question. If he's not the one, then maybe Tom is."

That made too much sense. I didn't even pay attention to how it felt when Tom kissed me. All I know is that I liked it.

"Thanks, Ianite." I said, standing up.

"Are you going back to him?"



I attempted to slip under the sheets without waking Tom up.

I thought I had succeeded until he turned over and wrapped his arms around my torso.

"A bunch of people are going out on a run tomorrow, wanna volunteer to stay behind?" Tom whispered. I shivered. He tucked the blankets around me and brought me closer. He was so warm right now. I cuddled to his chest.

"I can't, Tom. Sonj and Ianite need me to break them into a private community. And we all know that they both suck at lock-picking."

"But babeeee." He whined, jokingly.

"I'll be back by evening. You just make sure Tucker doesn't have a panic attack while Sonja's away."

Tom kissed my forehead.

"I promise."

Yay more gore next chapter!!!

I'm feeling violent so prepare your anuses.

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