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Song - yeah no time rn sorry

I have another Syndisparkles fanfic up called 'Hypcrisy'. I'm proud of the cover that I made from scratch. :D

Now on with the fanarts

•Tucker's POV•

I'm tired...

But I don't wanna go to sleep.

I've been laying next to her grave for a while now.

I can't feel my limbs because of the cold.

A snowflake lands on my cheek.

How could a human being do something so disgusting to her?

Ianite told us that the people weren't walkers. They were alive.

And they ate her.

They chopped off her arms and her legs.

And they ate her.

The thought makes me dry heave but I haven't eaten today.

It hurts too much to leave.

I loved her so much.

I love her so much.

I feel a blanket cover me.

I look up.


"I brought you some food." He offered.

I looked away and pulled the blanket tight around me.

"You'll die if you stay out here over night, weather it's to starvation, dehydration, frostbite, sleep deprivation, or walkers, doesn't matter. You'll die and you will have had no purpose in this shithole of a world. Not like you have one now, but you can. But this isn't getting you any closer to it."

I stayed silent.

"Death it is, I guess. Sonja would be so proud."



I want to be with Sonja...

Then everything went black.

•Tom's POV•

"You can stop pretending to sleep now." I whispered to Jordan. He was laying on my chest, breathing steadily.

His arms tightened around me.

He hasn't said anything in two days.

"Please talk to me, Angel."

"I'm so sorry." He buried his face in my neck.

"Nothing to apologize for."

"I could do all that to get out of the broilers room, but I couldn't move fast enough to save her."

"That's ridiculous. Stop blaming yourself."

Gunshots rang outside.

I ran downstairs in my underwear and saw Mianite and James shooting at something in the darkness.

"What's going on?!" I asked.

"There's a herd!" James yelled. "Get the others!"

I ran to Ianite's room and woke her and Martha.

I rummaged through their dresser drawers.

"Pack all the food up, we need to go!" I told them. "Martha, can you run?"

She nodded a little and they both got out of bed.

I put on a shirt and sweatpants I found.

When I got to the weapons, Andor was already there. He gave me a sideways glare before taking a rifle and a pistol and going out to the living room.

Tucker was laid on the couch, wrapped in blankets, unconscious.

I didn't have time to question it.

Jordan came running down the stairs.

"What's happening?!" He shouted over the gunfire.

"Take this, find Ianite and Martha and get out the back!" I handed him the pistol.

Jordan looked exhausted and confused but he took the gun and ran into the other room.


Dia came running in.

"What the-!"

"No time! Carry Tucker out to the car! James, cover him." I yelled.

I joined Mianite in fighting off what looked to be a hundred walkers.

There was pounding on the walls.

"Shit! They're surrounding the place!" I shouted.

"Shit, get out!" Mianite yelled and ran.

I shot a couple more and started running too.

I made it to the back door. Mianite was holding it open.

I went to run through it, but he stopped me.

"Someone needs to stall them." He said with a smirk on his face.

Then he abruptly hit my face with his fist.


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