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(A/N- starting now I'm gonna suggest songs for each chapter bc I miss doing that ;-;)

Song - Radioactive by Imagine Dragons (an oldie but a goodie)

•Tom's POV•

The door flew open and I was immediately facing the barrel of a gun.

"Put down your weapon!" The tall figure shouted.

It was a girl's voice but that was the only thing I got through my fear.

"Sonja?! Are you okay?!" A male voice asked frantically.

"Ya I'm fine there's a guy! Put the damn gun down, mister!"

I carefully set the gun down and kicked it across the floor to the woman.

"Good," she nodded. "Tucker! Jordan! Over here!"

Two more, assumed male, figures ran in, guns raised.

I couldn't see their faces but I could feel their uncertainty.

"What do we do?" 'Sonja' asked the two.

While one shrugged the other spoke.

"What's your name sir?" A soft voice asked.

"T-Tom. My names Tom."

"Do you know what's happening, Tom?"

"I... I dunno. This fellow strolled in outta nowhere and... and I shot him, but it was an accident, and I started panicking and then he woke up and started to attack me and-"

"He was a walker, it's okay. You're okay now."

"Jordan are you insane?!" The other guy asked. "He's a stranger! He could be bit!"

"Tom? Did the walker bite you?"

"Bite me? No! Why would they bite me?"

"That's how you turn." 'Jordan' explained.


It was quiet for a moment before Sonja spoke.

"You wanna stick with us?"

I hesitated.

"Yes. Yes please."

Banging on the doors on the warehouse interrupted the conversation.

"Well then you better run like hell." Sonja suggested and ran ahead of everyone.

"Slow down Sonj!" Tucker chased after her.

"C'mon!" Jordan encouraged, offering me a hand.

I took it and heaved myself up, running behind Jordan as we caught up.

"The northern and eastern sides of this place are blocked by walkers, we can still get out through the south end though." Sonja reported. Jordan nodded and we all started running.

Screaming and cries for help could be heard among the dead. Every once and a while a gunshot went off.

We got out the back door and ran to a nearby parking lot.

The closest car had a walker in it. I broke the driver's window and shot the dead man. Every walker in the area turned to us.

"Dumbass!" Tucker yelled as he took over, unlocking the door and climbing in. He unlocked the rest of the doors and we all got in, Sonja in passenger, Jordan and I in back. Him and I were squished together between the car door and a metal chest.

"Step on it, dammit!" I yelled. I could practically hear Tucker's anger as he put the station wagon in reverse.

We ran over several walkers, effectively coating the windshield with dark, thick blood and almost shattering it too.

Tucker slammed on the breaks. Him, Sonja, and I were able to brace ourselves but Jordan was thrown forward first, then back. The back of his head hit another metal case behind us and he slumped over.

I'm also trying to stop these ending note things because they reveal my social awkwardness...

... soooooo.... How are you all?


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