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I had just finished putting my pale brown coloured lipstick to finish my look with my brown shoulder length hair in ringlets of curls, my eye lids covered in gold glitter with a flick of eyeliner to enhance my hazel eyes, I brush my dress down once more when I hear my door creak open

"Jesus Christ Bo, you look amazing" I blush smiling widely as I turn to look at him completely he's wearing black ripped jeans, a baseball top with a jean denim jacket rolled to the sleeve finished with white converse, his brown curls dropping slowly over his eyes before he ruffled his hair and sweeps it to the side that's when I capture his frown.

He takes a couple of steps closer to me resting his hands on my hips and turns me to the side slightly to see the length of the back of the dress his hand rests on the open gap of the dress just underneath my chest.
I put my hand on his wrist trying to pry his hand away when his eyes flicker to mine
"Your very..." He licks his lips still looking at my eyes, his gesture making me feel hot and bothered under his eye line "exposed"
I sigh leaning forward to kiss his lips lightly whispering "I'm yours"
His hands move down to grope my ass, my bum still sore from our earlier encounter but not as bad I wince slightly but not too loud. Hot breathe is released under my ear, kissing slightly, his right hand squeezing my bum cheek as the pressure of the kiss deepens.

I push my hand against his chest as I don't want him leaving a mark, he of course has another idea. My feet are pulled out from underneath me when his arms are lifting me around his waist, my back hits the wall beside my bed with a bit of a thud, I gasp grabbing onto the neckline of his denim jacket.
"Don't ever push me off again, if I want to mark you then I will mark you" his eyes search mine for reassurance that I understand, I nod blinking nervously.

His pupils grow bigger as he kisses my lips in a passionate steamy kiss, he pulls back breathless, letting me down around his waist slowly but leans his hands ethier side of my body so I'm trapped around him

"Say it" I furrow my eyebrows in a confused frown as I look up to his eyes, he smirks nudging my head to the side bumbling against my skin
"Say it Bo"
I grasp the back of his hair running my fingers through his hairs pulling ever so slightly. I take a deep breath and whisper into his ear
"Im yours"
His neck turns instantly his fingertips griping my chin in his hold to keep my face in place, I lick my lips looking at him, he moves his fingers to pull my lips apart before I can bite my lip a nervous reaction
"Say it properly Babygirl" my left bum cheek is squeezed playfully as he rubs his knuckles slowly against my chin nodding encouraging me to speak the words he wants to hear.

I swallow the lump in my throat and close my eyes "I'm yours daddy"
I feel him smile as he leans down and attaches our lips together in a soft delicate kiss.

He moves away from my body checking me out one more time before rubbing his crotch slightly to sort his intrusion out. I apply one last coat of lipstick on after our heated kiss and grab my clutch bag walking down after him.

After driving 20 minutes fighting the blush that crept upon my cheeks every time Brody made a crude or dirty comment. I was still never use to his playful mouth or dirty mind.

Hand intertwined with mine we walked to Harry's house, his friend Harry was rich, he set up a small business when he was 17 and from there saved his earnings, he has a balcony circling the top half of the building and big iron gates to the entrance, opening up to a castle type home.

"Wow it's busy"
"Yes Babygirl it's going to be, you don't leave my side, you got it?"
I nod looking around at everyone congregating at this party.

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