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It's 9pm and I haven't moved from the chair that's seated 3 inches away from the hospital bed. Brody's body lie still, his toned muscles covered in dry stained blood, wires pulsate around his body, machinery lightened around the top of the pillow monitoring his heart rate.

Holding his left hand in mine I trace my fingers slowly over his fingertips, trickling slow touches up his veins curling the inside of his elbow following the wiring towards his heart. His scars bold and bright from the hospital lighting above his bed.

My fingertips glide towards his face, softly tracing the outline of his cheekbones, my touch gentle and scarce not to impact anymore pain.

"Your too beautiful to cry"
My eyes flicker slightly leaving tear droplets on Brody's wired arm as the strained voice echoes through my ears, my eyes shift seeing tired blue eyes stare up at me.

I whimper leaning down to touch the side of his cheek carefully, my tears escaping as his right arm stretches over to rub my back softly.

"Angel I'm ok, please don't cry" I lift my head wiping my unwanted tears from my cheeks, scrambling towards the door to fetch the nurse before my chest collides with Harry.
"Woah" his hands settle on my shoulders as his eyes pierce mine at my worried state.
"What's wrong?"
"g-get the nurse" his eyes furrow looking behind me to see Brody awake he smiles slightly before nodding at me and turning to the desk.

"Baby girl I told you I'm fine" he threatens to sit up as I walk over pushing lightly on his chest "don't you dare" He smirks "I've always liked your dominating side"

"I'm glad we're finally aquatinted Mr Ward" the young brunette nurse walks to Brody's left side checking the monitor with numbers scattered across the screen before writing notes on a large piece of paper attached to Brody's bed
"How are you feeling?"
"Fine, thanks" he stutters lifting the clear liquid to his lips rubbing the right side of his scalp which is embed with a large deep cut.

I stand against the window seal, listening to the interaction between the nurse and Brody. I hear mumbles of instructions from the nurse, she checks his body over, informing us that there's no permanent damage and that he can go home in the morning.

I sigh in relief, the nurse smiles slightly at me as she walks out carrying the notes clutched underneath her right arm. I stay staring at the floor as the door is shadowed with a tall dark figure.

"Finally you decide to wake up, took your time man" Harry's bantering Brody makes a smile creep on his lips, he struggles against the pillow as he sits to claps hands in a brotherly form to greet him.

"Bo have you eaten?" my thoughts interrupted as I lift my head to meet Brody's gaze. I frown shaking my head. A sigh escapes his lips as he gives Harry a weary look, Harry takes a seat on the chair a couple of inches away from the bed as he reaches in his pocket taking out his phone.

"Go get something to eat baby girl, grab me something on the way back yes, I'm starving" he winks playfully at me, my body to numb to register the playful mood he's awoken in. I give a quick nod before walking out of the room towards the hallway looking for the signs towards the canteen or even some vending machines.

After a couple of minutes of walking I finally find a vending machine, I reach into my pocket to which I realise I have no money, I groan frustratedly searching my pockets frantically as I discover around £6 let in the front pocket of my jeans. I search the choices deciding on 2 chocolate bars 1 for me and 1 for Harry and then some crisps for Brody. I gather the food walking back down towards Brody's room when i come to a halt overhearing the conversation coming from inside room 402 in which Brody lay.

"She won't even look at me"
"She was a state Brod, she thought you were dead for Christ sakes"
"But I'm not am I?"
"Fuck sake man look at what your doing to her, I've told you before about the fighting, look at you"
"I know man but I needed to fight him, I wanted to kill him at the end, you should of heard the things he was saying about Bo, I swear to god if I see him again I'm gonna" a loud bang comes from the room making me jump, I drop the crisps in my hand, I pick them up quickly walking back into the room as shifty eyes are met with mine.

Brody glares towards Harry giving him a threatening look. I walk towards the bed seeing Brody's empty water cup on its side, processing in the thought of the loud bang must of been Brody slamming the table. I pass Brody the crisps as I place the chocolate bar in front of Harry, they both smile gratefully as I take a seat upon the window seal.

"Well I'm gonna make a move, I need to be up early and I need a shower" Harry stands placing the chocolate in the back pocket of his jeans before leaning over to give Brody a hug, whispers are exchanged before Harry turns his gaze towards mine.

"Want me to give you a lift home bo?"
I look up shaking my head at Harry's question "no thank you I'm going to stay the night"
"No your not, yes do you mind mate that would be great"
"I'm staying"
"Bo do as your told"
"Don't tell me what to do you don't get to tell me what to do" my lip begins quivering at my abrupt tone towards Brody. His eyes widen in surprise as he nods towards he door, gesturing towards Harry for an acceptance to leave.

The door closes leaving the wide spaced room to feel empty and claustrophobic, I rub my eyes wiping the tears from my cheeks, my mascara probably a thin line smudged show casing my unwanted emotion.

"Can you come here please?" I walk towards the side of the bed before arms pull me to sit on the side of Brody's hip, I bow my head scared of wanting to meet his restless gaze.

"I can still spank you, you know" he lifts my chin and kisses me softly when I freeze against him his hand pushes to the back of my head encouraging me to deepen the kiss. I kiss him back weakly as he gently pulls away kissing my forehead sweetly.

"I'm sorry for putting you through this but I'm here now baby girl and I'm not going anywhere" I nod fighting a smile.

"Now give me a proper kiss before I bend you over this hospital bed" I blush shaking my head at his dirty words even in the circumstances he manages to fill my ears with his erotic mind.

I kiss his lips sweetly not wanting to put to much pressure to his plump swollen lips, a cut slightly visible to the edge a clear statement of a punch.

He hums appreciatively against the kiss and pulls away smiling tucking strands of hair away from my face, his arm is tucked securely around me prying my body to lay into his, I stiffen fighting away to leave a gap not wanting to inflict anymore on his injuries. My body is pulled tighter towards his chest as he lays down bringing my tired body with his, wrapping the plain white cotton sheet loosely over my body before giving me a swift kiss and mumbling messages of love before my restless sore eyes flutter close as I try and fall asleep.

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