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Twiddling my thumbs I stare endlessly at the people that pass by the busy streets. I'm caught off guard by the loud thud of the car door being slammed shut, turning towards the sound Brodys body is tense, his lips are sealed tightly as he drives out of the parking bay quickly towards the busy traffic.

"What's happened? What's wrong?"


The car jolts to a sudden stop as my seatbelt tightens around my body in a form to keep me protected from the surrounding glass. Hissing at the sharp pain, I push the material away from my body and glare towards Brody.

"Fuck" his hands hit the steering wheel angrily as his eyes meet my worried gaze.
"I'm sorry- are you ok?" His soft hand grazes over the reddened area on the right side of my collarbone.

I nod rubbing the area lightly with my fingers in a soothing manner. The light hearted atmosphere now tranquillised by a horrid mood of anger.

My house soon comes into view as the journey home is speedy due to Brody's arratic driving. Unbuckling my seat belt, I grab the Topshop bag and exit the car, walking towards the front door I suddenly turn in the direction of the car to see Brody stationary in the driver seat.

Shaking my head in anger at his stubborn and selfish behaviour I laugh walking towards the front door, slamming it shut I chuck the Topshop bag on the bottom of the stairs and walk into the kitchen.

A loud knock is heard at the door, I stay silent with my back towards the noise. Seconds later the noise gets louder and Brodys voice bellows over the knocking sound.

"Open up Bo" taking a deep breath I walk towards the door, opening it swiftly, before I can speak words of anger, my body is pushed against the cold wall, warm hands cupping my face as a desperate kiss is stolen from my lips.

Pushing against Brody's chest, he kicks the door shut with his foot and grasps my wrists in his hold pinning them ethier side of my face, his hot breath fans over my angery state.

"I'm sorry baby, I was just angry" his forehead touches mine as I close my eyes to calm my un steady breathing. My hands are left unpinned by his weight as his fingertips graze over the red area created by his actions.

Sighing quietly I lift my head to be met with his worried eyes. I lick my lips before whispering quietly between us "it's ok Brod" he shakes his head as he steps back from me as he leaves me standing against the wall before making his way into the kitchen.

Following his path with my eyes I follow him, standing cautiously in the doorway.

"Please don't get angry but what happened at the gym, why did you get all angry?"

"That fucking wanker that I fought at my boxing match is apparently up and walking again, been going around telling everyone things that little boys like him shouldn't be saying-"

"Like what?"
"Doesn't matter what Bo, all that matters is that he's a cocky prick who needs to be shown who's boss"

"Brody no" my lip quivers at the thought of Brody in another fight. Shaking my head I walk over to his tensed body, turning him towards my direction I tiptoe grasping his face in my hands and crash my lips against his.

His hands grip my waist squeezing my hips as he pushes me further into his chest, his right hand squeezes harshly against my bruised skin, I gasp allowing him to use his tongue as we battle for dominance in a heated kiss.

Pulling away I grasp his face securely,  his eyes on my attention "please don't do anything stupid, I can't go through that again. What ever he said just ignore him he's doing it to get a reaction out of you, don't let him win Brod"

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