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The evening had been a nightmare, Brody constantly making sexual gestures to me throughout cooking, with my dad oblivious to my constant blushing he kept blaming it on the heat from the cooker which always earnt a throaty laugh from Brody.

Running down the stairs after taking my pill, I changed into something a bit more comfortable of my own, fitted black adidas tracksuit bottoms and my new grey nasa t-shirt, my hair swept back into a high ponytail away from my face the only thing I hadn't changed was the chain hanging around my neck.

As I enter the warm heated room Brody and my dad are already sitting down around the table beginning to create their fajita wrap. I laugh shaking my head at the similarity between the two men.

"That looks better love now the clothes actually fit you" my dad laughs before stuffing a mouthful of chicken wrap in his mouth. I roll my eyes laughing at my dads attempt of a joke. I feel a playful smirk watching over me from the corner of my eye, Brody's lustful eyes are starting at me and his eye brows raise at my rolling eyes, he licks his lips carefully before my foot is tapped lightly under the table. I give him a smile, my tummy doing summer salts from his wicked grin before diverting my eyes to my plate and beginning to create my fajita wrap.

"That's a nasty scar you've got on your head son" I freeze feeling the air temperature in the room rise, my eyes shift to Brody to see his body relaxed and content.
"My personal trainer caught me whilst training sir, just an accident"
I sigh feeling a little relaxed at his cover up story, I look up to my dads eyes glaring at me.

"Personal trainer for what?"
"Oh I er box sir, to keep fit" Brody's body now a little tensed, his chest puffed out and veins bolder at his form of defence.

"I hope you don't box around my girl, you don't like fighting do you Bo?" I want to burst into tears at the cause of conversation, my eyes search the room to avoid contact with both men "I've never seen him fight" I've never been a good liar so I quickly drop my head back to my plate and beginning eating the chicken wrap that lay in front of me.

The awkward silence is interrupted by a familiar heart breaking ring tone, I lower the food from my mouth chewing down the last pieces as I watch my dad reach into his pocket and begin a conversation, he excuses himself with a nod, giving me a short smile before leaving the room and standing in the hallway to make the phone call private.

I bow my head in my hands running my fingers through the top part of my hair as a form of desperation, my heart quickens as I feel Brody's warm hand rest upon my knee.

"What's wrong Bo?" His voice is quiet and timid careful not to cause panic to my dad.
"He's going to go" my heads kept in my hands not wanting him to see my teary eyes.
"Go whe-" the warm comforting hand leaves my leg feeling cold as the chair beside me shifts as the kitchen door re-opens and my dad enters with the hand that's normally glued to his ear resting nervously in his palm.

"Sorry Angel I've got to go"
The words cut through me like a knife, I stand up watching the wooden chair from beneath me scatter along the floor boards.
"No! This isn't fair!"
"Bo" the voice is cold and demanding, I look to see piercing eyes of guilt seep through me, he engulfs me in a tight hug as I stiffen around him. The hug is short and brisk as I'm left standing shakily as his departure. "Be safe Bo"

Brody's face is a mirror of confusion, my dad shakes his hand willingly "look after her Brody, it was nice to meet you" their hand shake is quick before my dad lets go and wraps the blue suit jacket around his chest. 3 badges lay just above the jacket pocket, his walkie talkie is placed in his belt loop before the draw to the right of the kitchen knifes is opened with a key, a gun is placed to the back of my dads jacket pocket, kept firmly in place by his belt as the draw is re-locked as the key disappears into his wallet.

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