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I've been sitting in this library for 3 hours, I can't get the thought of Brody's boxing match out of my mind, the last time he fought was a year ago, that's how he got those two scars on his chest. It wasn't a boxing match it was a brawl fight in a club, someone threatened to hurt me and he lost it, the guy had a knife and cut him twice across the chest, he promised to never fight again so when he said about the boxing match that's why I freaked, he's scary when he's violent, really scary.

I twiddle my thumb and finger against the bull point pen in my hand, mind over thinking, racing with fighting thoughts.

"Bo what's your thoughts?"
I look up to see my uni lecturer staring at me, waiting for an answer. I look around to see my English literature class all doing the same.

I shake my head not listening or comprehending the question asked. I look to the left hearing a group of boys scramble into the library, by the looks of their clothing and attitude they'd never stepped inside the room before.

Tom, my lecturer turns towards the noise. Clearly annoyed at the disruption.
"Boys what are you doing?"

I furrow my eyes, seeing one of the boys familiar faces. It's Alex, Brody said he was supposed to be training with him today.

"Sorry sir were just er handing out flyers to everyone for a fight" my body tenses seeing the rowdy boys interact with one another roughly.
"Brody's gonna smash it, he always does"

I start packing my equipment into my backpack when I hear the group of boys come closer as their voices become louder. Leaflets are handed around to the students in the room. I look up to see Toms unsteady gaze.

"Thanks Alex, you can leave now, quietly aswell" he takes one of the leaflets from the boys hand reading over the printed sheet. I grasp the thin sheet reading over the lines written


I feel sick with anger as I scrunch the paper weight into a ball and throw it in my back pocket of my jeans. I stand placing the backpack on my back and am faced with smirking grins.

"It's Brody's girl man"
Laughter from the group erupts, I push past a couple of their shoulders before exiting towards the door and feeling my feet run towards the stairs as I exit hurrily out of the building.

Running towards the gym doors I find myself pacing urgently looking for brod. The sweet receptionist I've seen a couple of times gives me an alerted look from my sudden urgency.

"Brody's in there love" she nods to the end corridor, I know exactly where he'd be that's where the boxing ring is and the equipment. I feel myself suddenly feeling frozen on the spot wondering if I'd made the right choice. A familiar green print catches my eye line, I look up to the board to see the stupid leaflet pinned against the wall, advertising the fight. My body tenses and I feel my fists ball as I walk towards the hall.

I open the double doors to be swept with voices, different sounds entering the walls, the rooms filled with men, some of them with tops on others shirtless and sweaty. My eyes scan the room looking for Brody, he's Center of the ring, the man opposite him, his trainer is tall and lean, he's wearing boxing mits, sweats draining his forehead he's shouting at Brody, I can hear his voice over everybody in the room.

Brody's back is towards me but I can see his back glistening in the dim light supported above the ring. He's pouring with sweat, soaking his toned muscles. He's topless with grey gym shorts loosely fitted around his waist.

My vision is interrupted when a hot breathe of air is flushed against my neck, my backside is squeezed harshly. I wince loudly, turning to push against the hard chest that stand bold in front of me.

"Shit" he curses under his breathe as his eyes flicker up to the ring, I turn my head to where his vision lay, Brody pushes his gloves off in a swift action before jumping over the ropes out of the ring, he runs towards me, his face covered in sweat and red from rage, I blink and turn to the loud thud beside me, in a quick motion Brody has the boy who groped me up against the wall with his hand firmly pressed against his neck.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" The boys face pales scrambling to get a hold of Brody's wrist. The trainer grips Brody's body from behind and tries pulling him away but he doesn't shift, his fist tightens and his eyes stay firm on his enemy.

"STOP IT" my lungs scream out before my mouth, wincing the boys ears of my fearful plead.

Brody mumbles something aggressively to the boy before letting his wrist slide away from his neck, the boy holds his throat coughing to catch his breathe and scurries towards the exit.

"Baby what did he do? are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Brody's hands are all over my body, I feel tense watching his pleading eyes.

I grab the crumpled leaflet from my backside Jean pocket and thrust it towards his sweaty chest in anger.

"This is what I'm hurt about" his tongue trails lightly over his bottom lip, not losing eye contact as he takes the leaflet away from my steady grip, his left eye brow raises in an intimating form to my angry performance.

He puts the leaflet to the side of the desk not opening it, just keeping his eyes on mine, I feel weak when his eyebrows lower and his right hand touches my cheek softly.

"I told you not to worry" he turns his head to the side my gaze follows as he nods his head in an indication to his trainer to leave us. He moves away patting Brody on the shoulder lightly.

"It's tomorrow Brod, why didn't you tell me?"

His lips purse into a pout as he pushes my hair away from my face. "It doesn't matter, it's tomorrow night and that's it, I didn't want you to worry which obviously didn't work out but I'll be fine Bo, I always am right? " then he shrugs his shoulders as if the matter is minimal.

I cringe at his lack of emotion, shaking my head at his words before pulling away from his touch and running towards the exit before the tears defeat me.

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