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Leaving my lecture at 3 I walk in the direction towards the uni halls, wrapped in black leggings and my black short sleeved crop top, converse and wearing my yellow raincoat my phone in my pocket as music dances through my eyes.

Small droplets of rain skim down my forehead as I lift my hood of my raincoat up to shield my body from the typical British weather. The long winding roads are covered in fallen autumn leaves crunching loudly under me as I scurry towards the posh looking brick building that stand Center to the town.

Placing my sports bag in the corner of the room I place my raincoat inside and tie my hair up in a high messy ponytail, taking my converse off and putting black socks on but folding the ends to keep my heel bare, steadying my feet on the wooden floor. Also pulling out my checkered long sleeve top and wrapping the material around my waist hidding the small amount of exposed skin that show from my crop top.

I smile slightly at a few of the faces and some smile back, I've not got a lot of friends, I tend to lose them or if I get close they simply leave so I've come to accept the fact that I'm a bit of a loner.

"Hi Bo you alright?" My thoughts are interrupted by an unfamiliar voice, I lift my eyes to be greeted by a false smile I nod smiling back with a frown at the tall blonde haired girl that's in my path. She smiles wider but more like a catty smile, looking me up and down and starring at my lower half before gasping and running back to the group of girls that always congregate around the mirror.

"Shit" I curse under my breath looking down at my hands realising I didn't bandage my cuts up, she must think I've done them on purpose. This wouldn't be the first time just not normally on my hands. I sigh feeling angry at myself.

Voices of laughter fills the empty mirrored room that lay covered in dance portraits and swinging lights, by the group of girls that are starring longingly at themselves in the mirror, each one turning towards me and laughing or glaring at their own accord. Looking away, I decide to walk to the back of the room and hopefully out their eye line.

"Morning everyone, up on your feet you lot" my dance teacher enters the corner of the room through her office, pointing to the group of boys lazily slouching against the bench that sits at the back of the room, all pushing to their feet the room is filled with bodies all starring towards the warm hearted lady wearing black leggings and a white sleeveless top.

"Right today is going to be a lifting day, for your assignment you need to have a group choreography which must include at least 3 lifts, groups may be up to 6 this also includes duets" I roll my eyes at the thought of having to interact with anyone in the class.

The room is filled with loud voices talking over one another as people begin grouping together. The right side of my body feels warmer as I look to the side to see Jesse Atkins smiling boyishly at me, I laugh shaking my head at his goofy smile, we've never been close but out of the class he would always be able to make me smile especially through my rough days in the past. We have similar backgrounds so it's always nice to be able to talk to someone that understands. I raise my eyebrows poking his stomach that's covered my a tight black t-shirt. "Can I help you Jesse?" He laughs tucking his hands into his grey tracksuit bottoms, nodding proudly in response. "I want to do a duet with you, your a great dancer and we get on well.... and anyway it doesn't look like your getting any other offers" I feel my cheeks burn in embarrassment at his acknowledgement of being on my own, I frown smiling back slightly.
"Yes that's fine with me" he smiles widely before nudging my body with his elbow "I was only joking Bo, you wouldn't wanna dance with them girls anyway look at them all" he shakes his head, running one hand through his blonde streaky hair looking towards the heard of girls.

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