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Sitting across from each other at the dinner table nibbiling on pieces of cheesy pasta that's covered in burnt bacon a rustling noise catches my attention under the chair.

Moving the chair to the side I see the prescription bag from the chemist we got the day of leaving the hospital, opening the bag is Brody's medication not opened with the post it note I left scrunched against the paper thin material. Pushing the paper weight towards his plate a thin frown etches onto his face.

"I forgot I had them ok, my mind has been thinking about other things" a sligh twitch of the nose indicates his truth of meaning me, gathering an empty glass from the cupboard and pouring some fresh cold water into the glass I place the holder in front of him whilst opening the medication box and placing 2 small tablets into my palm.

Taking the two tablets from my palm he swallows both together clearing them down with the water, placing the glass to the side and wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve sweater as he proceeds to finish off his dinner in silence.

As my mind wonders over the last couple of days my appetite slowly ventures as I begin clearing away my plate and begin placing cutlery into the dish washer, hands lathered with soap wash away the content of the day as palms are placed around my waist a gentle kiss lingers on my cheek.

"You didn't eat much?" spoken through a mumble as his lips are pressed firmly to my cheek, pushing the last remains of plates into the washer and clearing up the kitchen I shrug wrapping my arms around his waist squeezing him to me in an affectionate way.

My body pried from his as he lifts my head with his large palms ethier side of my face encouraging me to meet his gaze, planting a soft delicate kiss to my lips as our noses rub together softly earning a throaty chuckle.

My bum cheeks are squeezed playfully as his eyes widen in glee, a smirk firmly etched across his plump full lips. My body encouraged backwards as my back hits the kitchen counter, hungry lips attach against mine as our tongues battle for dominance. My fingers skim through his silky brown curls as I gently tug earning a loud moan to escape past his lips.

Hot breath fans over my face as our increasing heart beats fill the sound of the room, starring longingly at each other my body is wrapped safely around his as his hands support my bum carrying me upstairs before turning of the kitchen light and giving me an encouraging smile as a playful wink awakens my nervous feeling floating as butterflies in my stomach.

My body is placed gently at the end of the bed my breathing altering as his hands skim to the material of my leggings. My eyes flicker to his in confusion as he kisses just under my right earlobe causing a small moan to fill his ears.

His body leans towards me as I think he's pushing my back on the bed but my body is gravitated back towards his with his steady palm against my back as a pink and white Victoria secrets bag is layed gently against my lap, my eyes flicker to search his as his piercing blue eyes are coated in lust.

"Go change into this baby girl" a quick kiss is encouraged to my left cheek as he stands infront of me, my body still as I grip the bag tightly that lay in my lap too nervous to retrieve the material from inside. His curls sweep across my forehead before his breath is felt to my neck "daddy's waiting" a wet kiss is planted to my sensitive spot as my body reacts quickly pushing myself away from the bed and running into the ensuite bathroom.

Placing the large pink and white stripped bag onto the unit I look at myself in the mirror cringing as the pale skin lay visible due to my teary state this morning. Searching round the room I find my make up bag that I normally leave round here in case of emergencies, sighing in gratitude I re-cover my face in make up, layering my skin with fountain before adding a light layer of eyeshadow and coating my eye lashes in mascara before finishing the look with a bronzer and light red lipstick as I know it's his favourite.

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