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"baby its ok it's ok" my eyes are wide open blurred vision as I search the room frantically around me. White walls and monitors making slight beeping noises the familiar sound bringing me back to the present, my arms are being rubbed as I turn towards the body that sit straight behind me.

"It was just a nightmare baby girl, your safe I promise" a slight frown fixated upon Brody's eyebrows as he pushes a few strands of loose hair away from my face. The intimate action is paused as a nurse rushes through the room.

"Is everything ok? We heard screaming?" She scowls seeing me sit upon the bed, I blush feeling embarrassed to attract such attention. I was screaming? I frown realising my the throaty substance of dryness from my mouth, my eyes shift frantically looking around the room as my anxiousness takes over.

"Is she ok?"
"I don't know she just woke up screaming and now she w-"
I stand up feeling the walls around me verge closer I grip the chair handles to the side shaking as my heart races rapidly through my chest.

"Fuck she's having a panic attack" the nurse scrambles to my side in a flash as my body is guided to seat upon the wooden chair, my hand squeezed gently to reassure my panicked state.

"Deep breaths Bo"
I look to see Brodys frame perched on the end of the bed over looking the nurses attempt to calm me down.

After a few minutes my heart returns to its normal rate and I begin feeling flushed at the show I had just put on. I push the greasy strands of hair away from my face.

"Sorry about that I can normally handle them on my own"
The nurse squeezes my hand whilst a sympathetic smile is enlightened my way.

"Once the doctor has checked you over and he's happy with your progress then you can be on your way Mr Ward"
I smile politely at her as I look towards Brody, he nods smiling at the nurse before returning to sit back up against the frame behind his bed.

"You get them a lot?"
I sigh feeling slightly humiliated "I don't want to task about it Brod, not right now anyway,please" he nods running his tongue across his dry lips a frown placed between his eyebrows at the answer to his question.

A knock is placed quietly at the door, both our attentions slide to the narrow wooden frame to be greeted by a tall framed young man wrapped in a white long coat.

"Hello Mr Ward I'm doctor Reeves and I'm here to give a final assessment on you to see if your well enough to go home this morning" he smiles at Brody then turns his attention to me, he smiles politely making his way towards the side of the bed, I move away allowing the doctor to do his examinations, a couple of minutes pass before the clip board holing notes of endless paper are picked up and scribbled over as the Doctor writes his statement.

"Good news Mr ward your free to leave, a prescription will be left behind the desk for you to pick up before you leave, for the wound on the left side of your forehead, the instructions are to take 2 tablets twice a day for 4 weeks and hopefully the wound should be cleared up, if you have any trouble before then like bad headaches, blurry vision then come back straight away ok?"

"Thanks doctor" Brody nods towards Mr Reeves and begins pulling away the bed sheets as his eager frame has him climbing down from the bed, his chest covered in faint bruises as his lips still plump and red. I scan his body then nod, smiling politely at the doctor who exits the room.

"You fancied him?"
I frown looking at Brody's bruised state.
"Excuse me?" His eyebrows raise dramatically at my vocal respond, he walks to the end of the bed retrieving a black sports bag that Harry dropped over last night before he left. Pulling grey trackies and a black sweatshirt from the open lid.

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