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Soaking my body in the shower, listening to the water drops fall against the drain beneath me, I push the unwanted ringlets of hair away from my face, I lean up towards the water soaking my face, blending my tears with the water. I shake visibly nervous as my mind over races with extreme unwanted memories.

I turn the dial on the heat towards maximum as the water blitz against my skin, turning to a burning sensation. The pressure burning my skin in attempt to punish myself for my thoughts, my eyes divert towards my razor and unwanted, familiar feeling arises through my belly.

My deep dark thoughts are interrupted when a cold breeze attacks me from behind, the clouded fog around the tightly spaced room is slowly removed, clearing away the mist as the room no longer feels claustrophobic but empty and spaced.

Brody's smile is replaced by gritted teeth and a flinching sensation from his upper body, his arm reaches around me quickly turning the dial on the temperature to cold.

"Fucking hell Bo, that was boiling hot, what the hell?"
He turns my body to face his as he searches my pink raw skin, guiding me underneath the cold water. I squeal loudly feeling the ice cold droplets fan my face, I shiver moving my body away from the water when I'm placed to stand under the water head.
"Your body needs to cool down, it's scolded red after that bloody temperature! What were you trying to do burn yourself?"

I scold him stepping away from under the shower head, his arm reaches around me to turn the dial to medium temperate, he stands underneath it fanning his face with warm water and pulls me into his chest soaking my body to room temperature.

"You going to talk to me and tell me what that was all about?" His right hand rubbing circles on my left hip, massing his touch into my body.
"Just got carried away sorry"
My chin is lifted to face his worried eyes. He licks his lips pushing the hair away from my face before kissing me softly on the lips.
"You scare me sometimes Bo"
I whisper through tear soaked eyes "you scare me sometimes too"

His body tenses hearing me and his arms wrap around my tiny frame in a warm reassuring hug, I lift my arms to rub the glistening water on his back listening to his steady heartbeat.

"If you don't want to watch the fight then you don't have to, but you stay at home and you don't leave the house you got it?" His tone serious and protective.

"I don't want you to fight"

He pulls my body away at arms length soaking up the worried state I'm in, his hands rub softly under my eyes.
"I know Babygirl, I know" he kisses me softly before moving his hands down to my backside.

I wince slightly stepping closer to him. He nudges my neck to the side growling playfully in an attempt in making me smile. I giggle at his playful tone, pushing the strands of curls away from his dampened face.

"How you feeling today anyway? We didn't get round to talking last night after you blew my mind" I blush at his words, he bends closer to my ear blowing lightly around the sensitive skin "quite literally" he chuckles lifting his head back on a loud laugh. I shake my head laughing at his outburst.
"Seriously though, how are you feeling? Did you like last night?" A smirk plastered on the boyish grin. I nod playing with the B shaped necklace around his neck.

I feel his fingers slide south as he cups my right bum cheek "did you like me playing with you..." His voice drifts away quietly as his middle finger rubs around my delicate bud between my bum cheeks "... here" I whimper at his touch attacking his lips with mine in a desperate need to feel him.

He smirks against the kiss before pulling back and squeezing my hip "I'll take that as a yes then baby girl"
My cheeks flush under his gaze as he licks his lips seductively, I feel my tummy flutter as his erotic gesture.

His fingers trickle down my tummy as his middle finger rubs along my aching core before moving towards my clit, circling the hard nub in a torturous dominant manner.

My knees feel wobbly as I feel my orgasm erupt, I gasp squeezing his arm in a harsh reaction, his finger stops and trails a line back up my body before he bends his lips to my ear
"Don't ever walk away from me again, do you understand?"

I nod realising this is punishment for our earlier encounter, my left breast is squeezed firmly
"Y-yes daddy" he kisses my lips playfully before wrapping my palm around his penis. I gasp feeling him hard beneath my hold.

"That's what you do to me baby girl" he lets go of my wrist and beings kissing my neck, just under my right earlobe. I shiver feeling his lips attach to my most sensitive spot, his spot as he likes to call it. I pump him in my hand until liquid trickles down my fingers and he's left breathing rapidly above me. His lips lick across my sensitive skin, I feel sore as his lips are moist and plumped, he smirks recognising my gesture.

I turn my back to him reaching for the body wash as his hand replaces mine squirting the clear red liquid into his palm before placing his large broad hands over my body, kneading every inch of skin until my skin is covered in bubbles.

A slight slap to the bum awakens my day dream of pleasure to acknowledge the frightened breeze sweep through me. I'm handed a towel which is swiftly circled around my body covering my skin in goosebumps as the warm temperature from the water is ridden and replaced with the Autumn breeze.

I cling to the wollen material around me as I walk to my wardrobe looking for something comfortable to wear when Brody's voice booms from the hallway, I turn my head to see his phone attached to his ear, I sigh thanking that it's not my dad, I pick up a plain black top with leggings and clutch them in my hands as I begin to walk back to the bathroom, I look to the hallway to see a towel wrapped loosely around Brody's waist, I find myself staring until the words pierce through the room.

"What do you mean the fights been rescheduled for tonight?"

My heart skips a thousand beats, I clutch my hand to my mouth as a loud gasp escapes my mouth, Brody's body turns swiftly towards me, we just stand staring at one another, my skin burning with fear.

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