Chapter 7

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2 years later

"Am I really doing this?" I whispered to myself. I delicately ran my newly manicured hand through my hot curls. 

I fiddled with the veil on my head.

Today was the day I was marrying Cameron Gold. 

I sat in the back of the chapel, reevaluating what I was about to do.

Did I really want to marry him?

Of course, don't be stupid. If I didn't want to marry him, I wouldn't have said yes. 

Maybe it was just pre-wedding jitters. Everyone gets them.

But for some odd reason, the longer I sat there waiting until I was to marry him, the more I was unsure of it.

There was this nagging feeling at the back of my mind that was telling me to back out. 

I needed some air. 

I opened the door and carefully stepped outside, the air was brisk with autumn now arriving.

I sat on the bench nearby the chapel, careful to make sure no one saw me leave.

I sighed. So many thoughts running through my head it was impossible to keep track of them all. 

An old woman joined me on the bench. "You are uncertain." She murmured. 

I blinked. "What?"

"You are uncertain of him."

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "How did you...?" 

"Because I know a lot of things, Juliet." 

I started to get scared. "I---"

"No need to be frightened." She assured me. "It seems that my profession in general is quite frightening." 

"You're a...psychic?" 

"Yes. I was lured to this bench by an extremely strong feeling. Indecisiveness. It eats away at you. Do you understand?"


"I can't tell you too much, but whatever it is you want to back out of so badly, I suggest you don't." She slipped me a card.


"For when the time comes."  




"Five." The mysterious old woman proceeded to walk away.

"Five what?" I called after her. "Days? Weeks? Months?"

But she was gone. 


The wedding music sounded and I walked down the aisle with my arm in my father's. 

I saw Cameron at the altar, with his cute little tuxedo and white bow tie. The old lady was right.

I do want this.

"We are gathered here today to witness the union of Cameron Gold and Juliet Cherrytree. Cameron, do you take Juliet to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do." Cameron said, his icy blue eyes never leaving mine. 

The minister asked me the same question. 

"I do."

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