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I looked down at my bloody hand. I am starting to realize the mistake of cutting with my non dominant hand.
"Could I be excused? " I asked my biology teacher.
"Let her go miss, before she gives us all a disease or whatever makes her so fat..."
"Probably not as bad as the one you're giving everyone else ."
I didn't say that, but I really wanted to. Margery has been a thorn in my side since the second grade. That's when she decided that being feared by the entire school was better than being loved. She had more power that way. We used to be friends and I used to think we could make it through thick and thin.  It turns out I didn't take something into account... High School. She turned on me the second she got the chance and left my social life to die. Don't get me wrong everyone knows who I am. In fact, I'm usually one of the most talked about people. It's just usually they talk about the stories of my failure, embarrassment, etc. Just more reasons to hate me.
" You are excused."
Was all I got in reply to my question and to my harassment. No one touches Margery. Her father is one of the most powerful men in the country and can ruin your life by signing a paper.

"Don't cry... God, Lina keep it together.....don't cry.....don't...cry.....don't..."
Too late. The burning tears go streaming down my face. Ugh, I don't know which hurts more: the sliced hand or the tears. I might as well be crying acid.
I can't go to the nurses office like this; not again. Last time I went in with a bloody nose and a black eye. That was caused from Margery and her "magnetized paper clips" which are always following her around. According to them they "accidentally, opening the door into my face." That was one of the stupidest excuses I had ever heard that actually worked.
Knowing I can't hide tears no matter how good I act, I fled to my hiding spot that even Margery hasn't found yet. The stairwell landing on the fourth floor. The fourth floor is all storage so no one ever goes up or down that stair case, unless it's the janitors.
I just sat and let it all out through tears knowing that no one ever hears me. No matter how hard I cry, I'm invisible. Everyone knows exactly what she does to me and no one does anything. How can they? The answer is simple. They can't. I am alone in this world and I have been since the day I was born.
Just then an old newspaper fluttered in an open window. It's headline read "mysterious masked guardians." I know them. They're the town's heroes. My theory is that they're genetically altered humans sent here by the government because our town has one of the highest crime rates in the nation. Others think there just police officers dressed up to create a town story and to make children feel safe at night. Personally, I've never met them to tell you otherwise.
"Hey, you okay?" A soft voice said behind me.
Stunned that someone found me and mortified that I look like a mess, I quickly wipe my tears and turn to face the owner of the voice.
Ugh, really of all the people it had to be him. Margery's ex-boyfriend.
"Yeah I'm fine thanks..."
I got up and turned to walk off.
"No, no you're not fine. I'll walk you to the nurses office."
We walked half of the way in total silence.
"So what's the story now? Were you walking and Marge just happened to be standing there with a lab scalpel or something?"
"No actually this one had nothing to do with her."
He asked no more questions until we got to the nurses office.
"Hey do you like sci-fi?"
"Um..yeah I guess so."
I'm going to see the new movie downtown next week with a couple of friends. Do you want to come?
"Come? With you? Like a...a..."
"Like a date?"
I'm dead if I say yes. She won't let live this one down and she'll always just use it as another stupid excuse. No. I've got to say no.
"Yeah, sure sounds fun I'll see you there."
What did I just say?
"Cool. See ya then."
And with that, he left. I'm crazy, I really am insane. Why on earth did I say yes? Ugh, I think I just dug my own grave.

I can't lie though, I'm really excited. I've never been asked out before and tonight's the movie.
I walk down to the theater, but I can't find Greg.
"Oh, there he is..."
I see him leaning against the wall next to the alleyway. Once he saw me and he knew I saw him, he turned and went down the alley. Where is he going? I followed and called after him.
"Hey Greg, didn't you see me?"
"Yeah I did"
"Then what's going on? Where are you going?"
"I told you I was bringing friends..."
Just then, Margery and her friends walked out. Margery went over and kissed Greg.
"Wow, is this you on a date with MY boyfriend. Honestly, I knew you were an idiot, but I didn't think you were this stupid."
"But I thought you-"
"What? Broke up? You must have forgotten that we got back together, but it's ok. I promise you won't forget again."
She walked towards me and threw me to the ground. She's beaten me up before, but it's never been this hard. Maybe she's trying to kill me?
Anyway, I'll spare you the gory details of my being beaten and left whimpering on the sidewalk. But the one thing that's weird is I never screamed through this whole process. I never fought back, never screamed, and never tried to get away. It's like I knew what was coming and knew I couldn't stop it. Why am I even here? Is this my purpose in life? To be some sick, spoiled rich girl's punching bag. That's not living or at least it's not worth living. Then it hit me, that is the one thing in my life that truly have control over. Life. It is mine and I don't want it anymore. At least, not this one.
How long have I been running? I don't know. They left and I just pulled myself up and ran. I was subconsciously running to the place where truly I hoped this night wouldn't end.
I soon found myself stepping over the side of the bridge with my grip loosening.
"It's not worth it..."

To be continued...
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my Elementals story ;) keep an eye out for the next chapter titled "fly" coming soon.

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