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I woke up to the freezing cold. At least Pine's arm over me gave off a little more warmth than about the five blankets and three layers of pajamas covering us. I looked over at Pine. His eyes opened when he felt my movement. He smiled at me.
"Pine, it's Christmas." I said.
"Really, I had no idea."
"Very funny. Did you sleep okay?"
"Amazing, with you here." He said. "You make the bad things go away." He whispered in my ear.
"You're sweet. Let's go to the commons room I'm starving."
"Starving, eh?"
"Oh stop it!" We laughed and got up.
I walked over to my room and got dressed. It was so cold. I pulled on multiple layers and walked out to the hall to meet Pine. We walked down to the commons where River and Breeze were already waiting for us.
"Finally! We've had to wait for you two before we could start opening the presents." Breeze said.
"Oh you two turn into two big children on Christmas!" Pine said.
"Hey I haven't said anything!" River said defensively.
"You two want hot chocolate?" Breeze said.
"Sure!" I answered.
"Could I have tea?" Pine asked.
"Always gotta be difficult." Breeze said.
"Honey?" I said.
"Yes, dear?"
"No, do you want honey in your tea?"
"Oh, sure."
I walked over to Pine and handed him his cup.
"Here you go, honey."
Pine smiled at me.
"Alright now, presents!" Breeze said.
The presents were wrapped in our corresponding colors. Pine's was green, River's was blue, Breeze's was white, mine was red, and Tricity's was silver.
This year we each got "secret santas".
I got Pine, Pine got River, River got Breeze, and Breeze got me.
Breeze handed out everyone's presents. River opened hers first. She got a blue shirt that looked like the ocean and a microchip with new programming software on it. Breeze got a wrist communicator and a blanket. Pine's was special. I got Pine an ancient stone medallion with a symbol for "earth" on it and I also got him a new medical tool because that's what he asked for. Finally, it was my turn. I got my box and I opened it. Inside was a beautiful bead necklace that was colored in reds and oranges. It looked like fire.
"It's beautiful!" I said while slipping it over my head.
"Thank you, I know, I'm a genius." Breeze said. Pine elbowed him in the stomach. "Okay fine...Pine helped me make it."
I laughed.
"Either way I love it, thanks guys."
I reached back into the box and pulled out a dark red sweater.
"And that's because you keep complaining about being cold."
"Thanks Breeze."
I looked back under the tree to see only Tricity's present sitting under it.
"Where is Tricity?" I asked.
"I don't know, she's never been much of a Christmas type." River said.
"Maybe she celebrates Hanukkah or something." Breeze said.
"Who cares... I'm fine here just with you three. I don't need her to be all grumpy on Christmas too." Pine said.
"She's our mentor and the closet thing I've ever had to a mother. We can't be that mad at her."
"I know. I know." Pine said.
"What should we do now?" River asked.
"Let me see....." Pine said as he looked out the window.
"Come on guys." He said.
I put on my new sweater and headed outside. It was freezing. The forest around us was white with thick blankets of snow. Pine walked out on a thick patch of snow. He swooped down grabbed a handful of snow and threw it in Breeze's face.
"Oh, you'll pay for that!" Breeze yelled. He ran after Pine and they started throwing snowballs at each other. I laughed until I felt cold go down the back of my shirt. I jumped away.
"River!" I yelled. I bent down to get a snowball but, it was too late.
River has the power to control the element water. What is snow made of?
She caused a miniature Avalanche to fall right on top of me.
"Ahhhhhh! Cold...cold...cold..cold.." I said jumping out of the snow.
As soon as I had brushed all the snow off. I realized it had gotten quiet.
"Guys?" I said. But there was no answer.
All of a sudden I was bombarded with snowballs coming from every direction.
"You jerks!" I yelled out at them.
We played in the snow for hours until finally, the cold got too unbearable. We went inside and played games until dinner.
"Okay so, it you weren't a superhero what would you want to be?" Breeze asked River.
"I think I would be a biotech scientist. What about you?"
"I would want to be a chef you know, one of those cooks." He said.
"Cool. Pine?"
"I would want to be a doctor." He said.
"What about you Lina?" River asked me.
"A kindergarten teacher. I love kids." I said.
"Well, that's specific!" River teased.
"And a biotech scientist isn't?" I laughed.
The rest of the night was very relaxing. We hadn't seen Tricity all day. I was sure this wasn't going to go over so well with Pine tomorrow but, I didn't worry about it now.
After dinner we just sat and talked. When I looked at the clock it was two in the morning.
"Guys it's so late we should-" I started.
River had fallen asleep and her head had slipped down on Breeze's shoulder who had also started to doze off. Pine looked tired too.
"We should go to bed guys." I finished.
River stirred and sat up.
"Okay, good night everybody." She yawned.
We all walked to our rooms. Breeze and River went into their rooms and closed their doors.
"Coming?" Pine said.
"Yeah just give me a sec. I'm gonna go get dry clothes on."
Pine smiled and I walked into my room. As I got dressed I saw something sparkle underneath my pillow. I reached under it and pulled out a small velvet box. I opened it and gasped. Inside of the box was a sparkling diamond ring and a note.
When you're ready.
It read.
I turned around and saw Pine standing I the doorway.
"Really?" I said close to tears.
"When you're ready, and when all this chaos with Krissie is over, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. What do you say?"
"Yes...I love you so much!"
I jumped into his arms.
"Come on, it's late we have to sleep." Pine said.
"How do you expect me to sleep now?" I asked.
Pine smiled and we walked across the hall.
All of my troubles were gone in that moment. I loved him and he loved me.
Tonight was the happiest night of my life.

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