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5 months later.
"Pine, over here!" I yelled across the field.
"Coming!" He punched a soldier to the ground. Then ran over towards me.
There were too many surrounding me to keep them off. One of them grabbed my shirt and threw me to the ground. Pine grabbed him and threw him over. When the soldier hit the ground he reduced into pixels.
I smiled at Pine and he smiled back. I looked over to River and Breeze. A soldier was sneaking up behind them.
"River, Breeze watch your backs!" I yelled.
They turned but the soldier jumped on Breeze.
"Breeze!" Pine yelled.
River jumped on the soldier and pulled him off Breeze. He also reduced to pixels.
Breeze got up and helped River to her feet. We all walked to the center of the field.
"I don't see any more." River said.
"For now they'll probably call for backup." Pine said.
Then we heard it. The faint whistle that grew into a roar.
"Bomb! Everyone down!" Pine yelled.
River and Breeze jumped away and Pine shielded me. There was a blast of white light and a faint buzzing sound.
I looked up at Pine and he looked back at me.
"And that's how everyone gets killed. It's that simple." Tricity's voice boomed over the speaker.
The burnt and charred world around us melted away revealing the training simulation room.
Tricity walked in.
"Well, I don't see how any of us could have stopped it." Pine said annoyed.
"Oh no, there was a way." She glanced at me.
"That's not fair, Tricity!"
"Is it? She could have contained the fire from the blast and she could have defeated twice as many enemies... If-"
"If I hadn't lost my powers." I finished.
"Yes." She said.
"Any training exercise here is a piece of cake compared to what Krissie will pull on us. She knows all of our weaknesses and know has the most powerful elemental power on her side. Heightened I might add. From absorbing Lina's power. So we are as good as dead until we level the playing field! Or we are going to lose and one of us will die."
She glanced at me once more. This set Pine off.
"That's enough!" He yelled.
"Pine..." I whispered.
He calmed down a bit.
"Let's go." I said.
He glared at Tricity then looked back at me. He walked out of the simulation room.
I ran after him.
"Hey!" I yelled.
He turned around.
"What was that all about?" I asked.
"I'm so done with her Lina! It's like she blames you for what happened! She should be blaming herself!" He yelled.
"No! That was no ones fault! And if you all have to blame someone, blame me! I'm the one that got caught..."
"No, I'm sorry." He said. He put his hands on my shoulders.
"Besides that was like five months ago. I've learned to live without powers. I'm fine as long as I'm with you and that's never going to change."
"Come on." He said.
We walked into the common room. The glimmering tree sat in the corner of the room with presents underneath it. There was a fire burning bright in the fireplace. We sat in front of it.
"You know, I'm seventeen now. I turned seventeen sometime this year."
"Well then, happy birthday."
"I could even be older than you."
"Haha, no."
Pine looked over at the presents.
"Do you really think they'll notice if I just peeked inside of mine. I mean, it's my surprise to ruin right?"
"No!" I said punching his arm lightly. "We're in enough trouble."
"But, I'm dying from all this anticipation! See?"
Pine feigned illness and made fake choking sounds. He flopped back on the floor pillows.
"I think I need mouth to mouth." He whispered.
"Okay, I'll go get Breeze!" I shot up and tried to get away.
"Oh no you don't!"
He jumped up and grabbed me around the waist. I squealed in excitement.
"Stop it!" I squealed
He spun me around and flopped me back down on the pillows. I pulled him down and he fell over me pinning me to the pillow. We laughed. Pine waved his hand and looked up. I looked up to. A sprout of mistletoe started branching out of the ceiling. I smiled at Pine.
"Merry Christmas Lina."
"Merry Christmas Pine."

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