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We ran at each other.
I will die before I let Krissie win.
She is weak. She is cruel. She will destroy everything.
She threw fire at me. I deflected it and threw it back at her.
"Don't you see!" I screamed at her. "We are equals! We have the same amount of power! It's like fighting ourselves."
I threw a ball of fire that knocked her back.
"That's where you're wrong..." She said. "You have weaknesses."
She turned from me towards the rest of my team who were fighting Tricity and threw a ball of fire at River.
It hit her in the back and she fell with a scream.
"River!" Breeze ran to her.
I looked towards Tricity who had an evil smirk.
I noticed there was water all over the ground where my team was.
"Guys, move!" I screamed but, it was too late.
Tricity sent a bolt of electricity to the ground. I saw my team fall.
"You shouldn't have done that..." I said.
"Why? No one else to save you?" Krissie asked.
"No..." I growled. "I have no more weaknesses!"
My power burned inside of me. I felt it crawl up my skin. My rage only amplified it.
I was no longer a person. I was the embodiment of fire.
My entire body was consumed by flames.
For a split second there was a twinge of fear in Krissie's eyes.
I sent a wave of fire in every direction. It knocked down Tricity and forced Krissie to her knees. I threw a ball of fire at the machine that was sucking the life out of everyone and everything. It shattered.
"NO!" Krissie screamed.
"You will never hurt me or my family AGAIN!" I punched her square in the face, knocking her to the ground.
The flames ceased and I looked around.
People were starting to regain consciousness. As well as my family.
I ran to them.
"I thought I lost you." I panted.
We heard sirens and the roar of cars.
"The authorities are here." Pine said. "I'll go fill them in."
Pine walked over as I talked to Breeze and River.

Tricity pulled herself off the ground.
"YOU!" She screamed. There was a bolt of lightning that shot right towards... Me.
"Lina, no!"
The lightning bolt went into Pine's chest. He fell to the ground.
My world stopped.
I rushed to Pine as River and Breeze ran towards Tricity.
River shot a blast of water at her as Breeze threw icy wind.
When everything cleared, Tricity was frozen solid.
They turned and ran back to Pine.
Pine was laying on the ground. He wasn't breathing. There was a burn mark where the lightning bolt went into his chest. The lightning stopped his heart.
"Pine.... Pine, this isn't funny. Pine wake up." I sobbed.
"Lina... He's gone." River said.
"No! No... You jumped in front of me you fool! Why did you....why..." I broke down into tears.
"I... I love you Pine. Please don't leave me..." I kissed him and placed my hand on his cheek.
My world was meaningless now. I couldn't accept it. He couldn't be gone.
Suddenly, I felt something. It was different.
I looked down at my hand. Underneath it there was green... Sparkles.
My memories danced. I remembered the time I accidentally burned the tree. Pine... healed it.
"That's different."
Pine coughed and sat up quick.
I jumped back.
"Pine? Pine!"
"Lina..." He sighed.
"Oh my God! Pine!" I jumped into his arms.
Breeze and River looked more afraid than happy.
"Lina... How did you do that?" River said shakily.
"What? What did she do?" Pine asked.
"She healed you Pine."
"What!? How did you-"
"I don't know! I just did." I exclaimed.
"That's not normal. We need to get you home and check that out." Pine said.
"I feel fine. I don't understand what the big deal is."
"Trust me. We need to get home."

I laid on the metal table while River scanned me.
Pine was getting checked out to make sure he was fine.
River pulled up my scans on her tablet. She scrolled through them and her eyes widened.
"I don't know how I missed this earlier..." She mumbled.
"What? What is it?" I asked kind of scared now.
She put the scans down and turned towards me with her hands on her hips. She smirked.
"Fun night with Pine?"

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