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I had fallen asleep so fast. I was so exhausted.
Last night was interesting. I think. Honestly I don't remember most of it. I was asleep 75% of the time.
But, a new year a new beginning. Right? Then I remembered. I turned over to look at the clock on the side of the bed.
"Crap, Tricity's gonna kill me!"
I jumped out of bed and got dressed in my training suit as fast as I could. I hurried down to the training room hoping that they hadn't started yet and I could just sneak in with out her noticing. No such luck.
I attempted to sneak into the room to hide behind Pine. He saw me and waved me over. Whispering for me to hurry up.
"You're late, Scorch." Tricity's intense voice boomed through the the room as she walked in. Crap.
"I'm sorry. It was a late night." I said defensively.
"It was a late night for everyone. That doesn't give you a right to slack off!" Her voice raised.
"I wasn't slacking off!" I yelled back.
"Really, whatever you call it, it all means the same to me! You can't make excuses in exchange for your life!"
I stood their stunned. What was that supposed to mean?
Tricity turned and walked out.
"Tricity!" I called and ran after her.
Pine started to follow me but River stopped him.
"No, Pine. She can handle herself."

She didn't turn around.
She stopped and turned around slowly. She had this look of disgust in her eyes. Pure, utter hatred. I hadn't ever seen this in her before. It was almost...evil.
"What did I do? I know this isn't just about me being late. Tricity, if this is about me losing my powers I couldn't have avoided that! I'm sorry if you're disappointed or whatever it is but, you can't hold it against me!" I sobbed.
She said nothing just turned and started walking again.
"Tricity, talk to me!"
I lunged forward and grabbed her elbow.
I felt it. The power I once had. I was holding onto it and I felt it surge threw me.
Tricity squirmed under my grasp. I was confused.
I could feel the same fire. All of it. It was here but, how?
"Let go!" She said not quite loud enough to reach the training room.
"How do you have my power!" I shouted.
"Because I'm the one that took it." Her voice sounded like a demonic growl and her eyes were a fiery red.
"The other person....with Krissie when I was was you?"
Her hair turned from silver to red. I reached up and put my other hand on her arm.
"This is my power and I'm taking it back!"
"No!" she screamed. But, it was to late. Her hair turned back to silver and mine was burning red.
I pulled away from Tricity.
Just as I did she sent a burst of electrical energy at me. It sent me flying back, hitting a wall. I landed on the ground in a heap.
When I looked up, Tricity was gone.
I could see my hair was flaming up all around me. I felt the spark I hadn't felt in so long. I was so happy but, at the same time I felt betrayed. I was. The disappointment and fear and sadness flooded my mind and drowned out the relief of having my powers back.
She slammed me into the wall hard. Everything hurt. I was breathing hard and holding my bruised arm that was now swelling up.
I screamed for Pine.
Pine, River, and Breeze ran down the hall.
Pine ran to me. River and Breeze ran down the hall calling for Tricity.
"Lina, what happened? What are you screaming about? Are you okay? Where's Tricity?"
They bombarded me with questions.
"Hold on!" I yelled. My palms flamed up and everyone backed away.
"Lina...your" River said stunned.
"Tricity was working with Krissie. She took my powers for herself. I touched her and felt it inside of her so I took it back but, I don't know where she went."
"She's gone. For now. You weakened her and she's smart enough to know that she can't take on four Elementals at the same time." Pine said.
"I can't believe it was her...." I mumbled.
"I don't believe it Lina!" River screamed. She raised her hands at me. Pine jumped in front of me.
"River don't!" Pine said.
"How do we know that Lina was just faking the loss of her powers?"
"River we're best friends! I thought you trusted me!" I yelled.
"I do trust you Lina. The fact of the matter is that I trusted Krissie too. I've known Tricity since I was a child and she would never betray us!"
Breeze jumped in between Pine and River.
"River, remember those files you downloaded when we were at the base?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"What happened to them?"
"Tricity too-" she finally realized. "Tricity took them and claimed they were corrupted and couldn't open them so she threw them out."
River lowered her hands.
"Lina, I'm so sorry." She cried. I pulled her into my arms.
Pine put his hand on her shoulder.
"We were all betrayed." He said.
"But, now when we fight Krissie..." I started.
"We'll have to fight her to." Breeze finished.

Tricity stormed into the base.
"Tricity! What's your problem!?" Krissie yelled as she approached.
Tricity shot a lightning bolt at the wall and barely missed Krissie's head.
"Jesus!" She screamed "Tricity calm down! What happened?"
"That little rat! She stole her powers back!" Tricity electrocuted another wall in rage.
"What?! How?! How did she find out?!" Krissie yelled.
"She didn't! She touched me and they absorbed back into her! I don't know how it happened!"
"Dammit, Tricity!"
"I could've happened to you too!" She yelled.
"Great, now we have to get them back!"
"No, they'll be guarding her like hawks now."
"But, fire is the most powerful element! We need it!"
"Do we? Do we really?"
Krissie's face twisted.
"What do you mean?"
"Did you ever think about it? What's the second the most powerful element."
"I'm not following you."
"What extinguishes a fire, Krissie?"
Krissie smirked.
"Water. Or more specifically....River."
Tricity walked over to a wall panel an opened it to revealed a screen. She punched in a passcode. On the screen appeared a security camera image of the four in the hallway. She zoomed in on River.
"Did you fix the machine, Krissie?"
"Good." Tricity looked back down at the screen that displayed River's face.
"You're next."

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