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I remember Pine putting me down on the table.
Ah, dear, old friend....the metal table.
I hated this table. It was cold and hard and just plain uncomfortable. I had no right to complain.
I went out and got myself shot, four times, and now everyone's mad at me.
Wait, why is everyone mad at me?
I really don't remember.
When we got back to the compound, Pine put me down and Tricity said...
"I need to give her something to calm her down."
"I am calm." I answered.
"Your mind is, but not your body." I looked down at all my tensed muscles.
"Goodnight, Scorch." She said.
To late. She pushed the clear fluid in the syringe into my arm. I fell back. I felt Pine catch my head before it hit the table.
"She'll be fine." I heard a fading voice say. I felt sleep wash over me.
Everyone left the infirmary, except Pine.
After the door closed, Pine pulled up a chair to the side of the table. He took my hands and placed them on my stomach then, he laid his head down on me. He soon fell asleep.

My eyes fluttered open. I was alone in the infirmary with the monitor machines still hooked up to me. I looked at my wounds which had scabbed over. The pain had reduced to a strong ache. From the pain in my back I could tell I have been here a while.
I slowly lifted myself up and limped over to the reflective metal door. The medicine Tricity gave me had made the color of my hair change to a dull flowing red, almost like lava.
I pushed the door open and stumbled down the hallway. The compound was dark and quiet. I couldn't find anyone.
"Lina?" I heard behind me.
I turned around slowly. Slipping a little and stumbling.
The owner of the voice moved forward and caught me.
"Yeah, how you feeling?"
"Like crap." I joked.
She laughed a little.
"Understandable, you got shot four times."
"Yeah, stupid right."
"Anything but, actually." Her face changed.
"I know what she did too you. What I don't understand is why you saved her. You ran to her as if she was your best friend."
"I know. It's just when I saw her I...I couldn't let her die. Not helping her would be like killing her myself. That's the difference between her and me, I won't kill her."
"I understand."
She smiled slightly at me. I went to smile back but the bullet wound in my stomach cramped and I lurched forward. River caught me and steadied me back.
"Woah, you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, just...yeah." I mumbled, wincing.
"Here lets go."
"Okay." I said.
We walked down the hall. She had her hand on my back and steadied me making sure I didn't fall. I wondered why she was being so nice to me.
"How long have I been out?" I asked.
"Three days." She replied.
"Three days?!?" I asked surprised.
"Yeah, I bet you're not tired now." She joked.
Actually, for some reason, I still felt really tired.
"So, where is everybody?"
"The others went out and are dealing with...the person who attacked you a while back."
"Oh yeah...that..." My voice trailed off and we walked in silence until we got to our rooms.
"Hey..." She said stopping short.
"I just wanted to say... That I was sorry. For bringing up what happened to you in the meeting a while back and the way I acted towards you before that...I just... I just was trying not to get attached to you like I did to the last girl like you."
River looked at the floor
"Krissie?" I said quietly.
River looked up at me. Half terrified half surprised.
"How did you know her name?"
"When I was attacked in the forest, you called me Krissie." I said.
"Oh..." She turned around. I could see that she wanted to cry. I limped around and stood in front of her and hugged her.
To my surprise she hugged me back.
She was a scared little kid in those few seconds of weakness. Mourning the loss of her best friend.
We walked back to her room and sat and talked for hours.
Finally, I heard the door to rivers room open. It's was Breeze.
"Well, look who's awake. How's it going sleeping beauty?" He said hugging me.
I must have squirmed under his arms cause his grip loosened.
"Sorry, forgot about that." He said looking down at my bandages.
"It's fine."
We walked down the hall to the commons room. Just as we were rounding the corner down the hall I saw Pine.
I saw a rush of what looked like relief came on his face. All pain from my wounds left me and I ran down the hall towards him. He hugged me around the waist, picked me up, and spun me around.
River and Breeze walked past us.
"We'll be in the common room." Breeze said as they slipped around the corner.
Once i was sure they were gone, I laid my head on Pine's chest. He kissed my forehead.
When I looked up at his face, I could see how exhausted he was.
"We need to talk." He said, his expression changing.
I'm in trouble.
"But, first let's just check those." He said pointing at my bandages.
"Ok."'I said.
We walked down the hall and into the infirmary.
Neither of us noticed how tightly we were holding each other's hand.
I never wanted to let go.

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