Month 6

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I jerked awake.
Oh my god.
It had been two weeks and I still hadn't wrapped my head around it.
One baby was scary enough but, two?!
How am I supposed to take care of two kids? At the same time!
We are four teenage superheroes that just saved the world and now, we have two babies to take care of. Two?!
It's a new year.
A new beginning.
I'm screaming in my head right now.
At least they're healthy.
Pine was overjoyed. I remember.
"Twins? Twins?!" I said.
I'm not quite sure how to process this.
"Lina oh my god!" River said. "This is great!"
"This is terrifying!"
"Lina, I'm so happy about this!" Pine said.
I stared at the floor.
"Hey guys, could you give us a sec?"
River and Breeze nodded and walked out. Pine knelt in front of me.
"Hey, this is amazing Lina. Why are you scared? I'm always gonna be there to help you. You're not alone. Far from it. You have all of us. Everything is going to be fine."
"I love you." I said. " so much."
"Pine, we're having twins!" I said excitedly.
I stood up and hugged my husband. He made everything okay.

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