sequels are never good

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when will Daniel make his chapter names relevant to the storyline???? probably never


Tears streaked down his face once more, and he didn't know if it was from relief or anguish.

"what do you mean?" he said softly.
"1 N33D3D 4 H3RO. SO 1 C4M3 4ND FOUND M1N3." she said this with confidence. More tears welled in his eyes.
"i'm not a hero," he choked.
"D4V3. Y3S YOU 4--"
"NO I'M NOT!" he whipped around, two rivers falling down his cheeks.
"I DONT KNOW!" he screeched. his ears were burning as he withered. Familar arms wrapped around him.
"YOU'R3 M1N3." her gentle voice warmed his soul

he slowly snaked his arms around her, letting his body relax. They sat like that for a few minutes.
he finally broke the silence.
"FOR WH4T?" she asked, quite confused.
"for sticking around. for coming back, i guess." he pulled away and looked up. he gazed into her eyes, which were now white, a hint of red still swirling in them.
"do you remember how i died?"
she sighed softly.

A knight bolted towards Jack. Though he was a ways away, it didn't dampen his fury one bit. His feet pounded hard on the ground, and with each stride his chest ached more. This was a bad idea. His gut had a dagger of doubt lodged into it. His body screamed at him to stop and rest. Inside his head were racing thoughts he couldn't keep up with. But his heart pounded in his chest and he felt blood pumping in his ears. He couldn't--
He had hurt her.
Almost halfway now. The canopener is almost halfway through the tin container of whoopass. He had to keep pushing.
He hadn't really paid attention to coloured blood until earlier. Maybe it didn't phase him because it wasn't red like his. He didn't know the science behind it. He wasn't a huge science person. Jade was into science. A lot. Dave winced a bit. He missed Jade. He pushed away the thought, but the newly opened scab over his heart remained bleeding. Metaphorically, of course. He wished he could push the worry out of his head about Terezi. Sure, he left her with Karkat, whom he knew would take good care until he got back, but he was still being a huge worry wart. Totally losing his cool.

Which he did NOT like, at all.
He was almost there now. So close. He could smell the blood on him, the fucking bastard. He heard faint cries in the distance.
No, it was in the back of his head. Dave drew his sword.
He'd caught him from behind, so he got a few hits before Jack could realize what was going on. But when he did, his reflexes were faster. Dave knew this, but of course, his anger rolled in a thick fog over his logic. There was a black flash before he was slammed onto the ground and had the wind knocked out of him. Jack began to beat him mercilessly.  His cold blade pierced his chest. Dave lost the grip on his sword and screamed. Jack drew the knife from him and while Dave was fighting to breathe, he took his sword and raised it above his head, his only hand tightly gripping the handle. Jack jammed the sword into Dave's chest, and he cried out once more. And just like that, it was done. Immense pain surged throughout his body as he watched Jack slink away.

Why the fuck did he do that?
He swore he could hear the chime of..what was it a grandfather clock? Whatever. That didn't matter. He was bleeding out. Oh shit, this counted as Heroic, didn't it?
He heard the faint cries once again, and it was now he realized it wasn't in his head. He tilted his head in the direction from which it came.
There was Terezi, desperately trying to reach him. She limped over and collapsed next to him. His eyes focused and he made eye contact with Karkat.
"dude, the fuck? i-" he coughed and sputtered before continuing, "i told you to keep her away!"
Dave sighed. He knew this to be true. He didn't know what he expected. He started to think about Bro. He'd died the same way, a sword shoved through his chest. His eyes began to droop, and he could feel tears dripping onto his face. At least that's what he thought it was. He looked up into Terezi's deep, vivid eyes, sparkling with teal tears. He felt his own run down the side of his face. He lifted a shaky hand, and weakly grasped hers. He slowly pulled it to him and gently planted a kiss onto it. She let out a sob in response. Another hole formed in his heart. Haha. But for real. He was scared to die. He wasn't scared of the dream-bubbles, though. He was scared of being alone. No, he was scared of being without her. He'd always been just fine all on his own. That was how most of his life was growing up. Bro had always left him to do his own thing. Not that he didn't appreciate that. He liked being able to do whatever, plus his weird plushy-rump puppets always freaked him out. Especially Cal. Eugh. Man that thing was creepy. Sent Gamzee over the edge along with that stupid video you had sent him. Then he hurt her. But all that was over now. He snapped back into reality. He could think later. Right now what mattered was saying goodbye. He struggled to keep his eyes open. Terezi was still weeping by his side. And to his surprise, so was Karkat. Well, it wasn't much of a surprise. He was way more emotional than he liked to admit. Nerd. He sucked in a breath.
"i g-guess this is g-oodbye for now.." he choked.
"NO. NO 1T'S NOT! YOUR3 GO1NG TO B3 F1N3. TH1S 1S NOT JUST." her voice kept breaking. Dave knew that she knew that this was a heroic death. He could tell. And he knew that Karkat knew as well. Everyone knew. And he hated it. He wanted them to believe he would be okay. He wanted to believe he would be okay. He wanted to be okay. He didn't want to leave them. He didn't want to leave her. He didn't want to leave John. Or anyone at all.

He didn't want to be alone. Not one bit. More warm tears fell down his face and he hiccuped. He used the last of his strength to squeeze her hand.
"i love you guys."
his vision faded out, and the last thing he heard was the faint cries.

it helps b/c ive been feeling sad yay
hopefully this is better. i think it is... maybe..
i dunno. i hope someone likes this.

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