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Kate's P.O.V
Oh my gosh. Why am I nervous? I never get nervous...WhY ThE HECK AM I FREAKING OUT? ITS JUST DINNER!!! ITS NOT EVEN A DATE!!!!! Maybe it is....? I don't know... But something is really just weird. Not weird like me and Cara, but just awkward... Yeah that's it. 'Awkward.'
"Are you nervous Kate?" Hmmmm what should I tell him? YESS.
"No I'm fine." I lie. He's so cute.... Seriously... HE'S CUTE.
His eyes are like the ocean... His hair is so perfect. His face is so perfect... I just want to run my hands through it.... Or at least touch it. I am Cara's height and she's 4"8 so he's about mm maybe 5"6?
"Are you sure?" He interrupts my thoughts. "You seem tensed... Is everything okay?" Oh now he's making a big DEAL OUT OF THIS! Hey at least I'm not crying or whatever...Hm.
"Yes. Everything is fine." I sigh, continuing to walk to the restaurant.
"You don't seem fine." Ugh that little twerp. Unfortunately though, I can't bring my self to snap at him... 1 because he's just too hot and 2 I'm a nice person. And not to mention decent.
I just start to frown and then he stops in his tracks.
"Katie. What's wrong?" He asks, as he looks at me with that 'please don't be scared' look. Not that I'm scared but... Ugh never mind.
I just shrug and look at the ground... Not making eye contact whatsoever.
"Hey." He says as he tips my chin up to his face.... Oh crap." Don't do that, don't be frowning please. You're too beautiful." WHAT! What did he just say? Did he- no he couldn't... Could he?
"I said don't frown. You're too beautiful." He repeats making me smile... That is so funny.
"See there you go!" He says playfully nudging me with his elbow.
"You smilin'." He says in that tone. That tone that literally makes me want to slap him even though he's pretty.
"So!" I laugh.
"So? KEEP doing it!"
"No." I snap. That's when he drops his face expression, only for a second, and shakes his head.
"Don't make me tickle you."
That's when I gulp. I can't believe he just said that. That is so awkward!!!!
"I ain't ticklish." I lie. He could tell I was too because I was blushing too much. 😂
"Hm let's just see about that..." He smirks. Uh oh. What's he going to do? I hope he doesn't try to do it because that'll be just stupid.
I then decide that I should run... I don't know where, but just run.

        A couple of moments later, in the woods, I lose sight of him.
"Gotcha!" Or maybe not.
He then starts tickling me all over as I start cracking up and giggling of laughter begging for him to quit.
Fortunately he does. But I had to constantly scream it...I'm surprised nobody heard us.
I know we're just alone in the woods, but still, you never know.
Man yeah if somebody saw that'll just make my life end right there.
"Now." He announces... Still with that smirk on his face. "Sha'll we go to dinner?"
"We sha'll." I giggle as he takes my hand in his and I lean my head against his while we walk.

                       At the restaurant, we order some crab legs and some other stuff... And it tasted pretty good. Great actually since he payed.... Lol. But no seriously the food was delicious. I am so full. I couldn't even eat dessert! Now that was a disappointment. A big disappointment. It was a downer.
"Phew I'm full." He huffs as I giggle.
Damn it. Why am I giggling????!!
"Nothing." I giggle again. Ugh.
He just grins as he rolls his eyes, probably thinking 'what's that chick laughing about?'
"Don't be shy Kate."
"I'm not shy." I tell him.
"Mhm sure. " He smirks at me as he takes a sip of his water.
"But I'm not though. Ask Cara."
"I don't wanna ask Cara. Because I know."
"Know what?" I ask.
"That you're shy."
"I am no-" I try to say until he interrupts.
"Look. Kate... Wait do you like Kate or Katie?" He stutters making me snicker.
"Either one."
"Look Kate. I-."
"What?" Gosh now he seems nervous. Why I wonder?
"I.. I.. Uh."
"Just say it... Common' spit it out.!"
"I wanna make you feel wanted! There I said it!" He then crosses his arms as he turns to the side. Not making eye contact.
Although, I am a little confused because of what he literally just said.
'I wanna make you feel wanted?' That's like kinda weird... Not totally weird, like awkward, but weird... It's also kind of... romantic...
"Awwww." Is all I can really say at this point.
"What?" He blubbers. (Sorry I just like that word...a lot.)
"I wanna make you feel wanted too." I smile.
"You do?!" He jumps as he grabs both my hands across the table.
"Listen... Will you be mine?"
What? What does he mean by 'mine'?
"Your what?" I laugh nervously. He then shakes his head. Which is kind of hilarious.
"I mean,.. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes!" I shout. That's when I realize that I shouted and everyone quickly turned their heads.
"Oops?" I chuckle. "Sorry people!"
They don't have some hot guy asking them out do they. Nope. I'm the one who's getting asked out. LOSERS.
I mean I'm not that kinda person to say that aloud, but still. I'm getting asked out. They should leave it alone.
"Come on." Hunter says. Extending a hand. "Let's get out of here."
And I happy accept.

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