Of course Kate!!! (A.K.A... My now so called girlfriend)

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Hunter's point of view

Right in the middle of the performance, I spot a very. Pretty. The most gorgeous girl. I've seen.
No of course it's Katie, who else would it be?
Anyway I give her a nod, or maybe it was a wink😉 ugh I don't know🙄 but anyway... I give her a sign that I spot her and notice that Cara's not with her.... Damn it. The show has to go on for another 10 minutes! I'm just panicking!!!!!

For my next song, that I sing in Cajun French, (yeah I know) I suddenly relax after I say "One, two, three four.!" And play my accordion.

After the show, I quickly turn the amp off and with "a thank u very much," I trot down to find Kate.
"Kate?...Kate..?" Ugh where could she be? "KATE!!!!"
"Uh ow?" Unfortunately I accidentally shouted right in her face. Nah doggit what's wrong with me?
"Sorry..." I nervously spit out.
She just giggles.
"It's okay hey great show tonight! Cara would've loved it."
No of course she wouldn't, cause she would've came.
"Yeah um..." Oh how do I say it? Should I say this now?
I mean I don't have no clue how to say it or even what to say.
It's my fault I put her and Cara through this.
"Are you okay?" She says as I feel her touch my back... I flinch.
"Yeah... Um." Is all I can literally spit out.
"You know.. Cara does that too."
Okay what now?
"What are u talking about?"
"You know... Just lost in her own head." WHAT!
"I am not lost in my own hea-"
"AND she gets mad easily..." She says cutting me off, with a giggle.
I just give her a "I'm gonna get her look," as she starts running.
"Take that Back!" I shout as I chase after her.
"As if..."
Oh now she's being snooty with me. Hm.
"Or else..." I say as I grab her from behind.

Katie's point of view.
Uh oh. Don't you dare Hunter.
You better listen to him missy. My subconscious tells me.
"Okay I take it back, just don't tickle me!" I beg.
"You're no fun." He snorts.
"You're not either." I mumble under my breath.
"What was that?" He turns back now facing me again.
"Nothing." I squeak.
"You're lucky I didn't hear that." He smirks as he starts walking away; me following nervously behind him.
I love him so much. Uh I mean like.... Like , love what's the difference eh?
Okay I know what you're thinking, you ding-dong... It's a big difference! I KNOW!!! But just listen...
I think I may have a crush on him. I mean yeah we're dating and everything, but I know for a fact he doesn't like me and that he see's other girls.
Probably more prettier than me
Probably more sophisticated
Probably one girl he loves more than me.
I know I'm getting overwhelmed but I'm just saying....
Oh... How I wish he'd.. Ugh never mind. T

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